12.1 FPL/2023/173 – Mostyn Arms, St George’s Road, Menai Bridge.
12.2 VAR/2024/40 – Peboc, Llangefni
12.3 FPL/2022/289 - Ynys Y Big, Beaumaris Road, Glyngarth, Menai Bridge
12.1 FPL/2023/173 – Full application for the change of use of the former public house (Use Class A3) to a residential facility (Use Class C2) together with alterations and extensions at Mostyn Arm, St. George’s Road, Menai Bridge
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of Local Members.
The Chair announced that Local Member, Councillor Sonia Williams who could not be present at today’s meeting had requested with supporting reasons, that the Committee’s members visit the application site.
Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes, MBE proposed, seconded by Councillor Alwen Watkin, that a site visit be conducted.
It was resolved that a site visit be undertaken in accordance with the Local Member’s request.
12.2 VAR/2024/40 – Application under Section 73 for the variation of conditions (01) (reserved matters details), (02) (submission of reserved matters), (05) (archaeological mitigation programme), (06) (drainage scheme), (07) (contamination scheme), (08) (monitoring and maintenance plan), (11) (landscaping scheme), and (17) (reserved matters details) of planning permission reference VAR/2022/236 (erection of 7 business units) so as to amend the wording of these conditions and insert a new phasing plan at the former Peboc, Llangefni
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Isle of Anglesey County Council.
The Planning Development Manager reported that the reason behind the proposal is to re-word the relevant conditions to enable the County Council to develop the site in phases as described in the report. The original consent is structured in such a way as to require the submission of all details for the LPA’s approval prior to any works commencing on site. Amending the conditions as proposed will allow the Council to clear and remediate the site before submitting detailed design elements for the business units. Given the deteriorating condition of the former Peboc site which has remained empty for a length of time and its negative visual impact on the business park and town of Llangefni the application is considered reasonable and acceptable. There has been no change in policy since the last permission was approved and it is considered that the proposal complies with the appropriate policies. The recommendation is to approve the application.
Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed, seconded by Councillor Jackie Lewis that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the planning conditions as set out therein and to the receipt of adequate ecological information to address the Council’s ecology officer comments. To delegate to the Officers the authority to determine the application once the outstanding ecology information has been submitted and to allow for any pre-commencement conditions to be dealt with via delegated powers.
12.3 FPL/2022/289 – Full application for the demolition of the existing dwelling together with the erection of a new dwelling and garage together with associated works at Ynys Y Big, Beaumaris Road, Glyngarth, Menai Bridge
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of Local Members.
The Chair announced that Local Members, Councillors Carwyn Jones and Alun Roberts who could not be present at today’s meeting had requested with supporting reasons, that the Committee’s members visit the application site.
Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed, seconded by Councillor Alwen Watkin, that a site visit be conducted.
It was resolved that a site visit be undertaken in accordance with the Local Members’ request.
Supporting documents: