To submit a report by the Human Resources Training and Development Manager.
The report of the Training and Development Manager on the Training and Development Programme for Elected Members for 2024/2025 was presented for consideration.
The Training and Development Manager reported on the Training Plan for 2024/2025 included as Appendix 1 within the report. She said that the Plan continues to be shared in categories i.e. Mandatory Training; Supplemental; Health and Wellbeing; On demand and E-Learning Modules that are available on the E-Learning Platform Learning Pool. She stated that since April 2023, 37 training and development sessions have been offered to elected members to date. To mitigate and prioritise what is offered to elected members this is 22 less than afforded during the same period last year.
Reference was made to Appendix 2 of the report, which highlights the number of members who have accepted invitations to attend training and how many attended the sessions. She noted that there is an emphasis on the requirement to attend mandatory training and that attendance at these sessions is lower than is desirable. That being despite offering several events varying in their form and timing i.e. face to face, virtual and evening sessions. A particular concern arises from this that those members who have not attended have not received information which is key to fulfilling their role. It is also be recognised that the situation affects the efforts to move the wider program forward due to the continuous need to organize further sessions of these titles.
The Training and Development Manager further reported that at the request of the Standards Committee, discussions are ongoing with the Democratic Services on drawing up a dedicated Plan for Group Leaders which was highlighted within the report. The Learning and Development Team continues to work closely with the Democratic Services and relevant Officers within the authority to ensure that the plan addresses the needs of the Elected Members and continues to evolve according to demand.
Following the presentation of the report, the following points of discussion were raised by the Committee and the Officers responded to the questions raised.
• As was highlighted within the report, it is disappointing that the attendance of Elected Members in mandatory training session is lower than is desirable. Reference has been made that Members of this Committee could approach the members that have not attended these sessions. Questions were raised whether details of the names of the Members who have not attended these mandatory courses could be afforded. The Head of Democracy responded that there are informal and formal methods to promote mandatory training to Elected Members. A quarterly update is afforded to Group Leaders with information on every member of the Group who have attended/not attended mandatory training. He noted that a message could be shared with the Group Leaders expressing this Committee’s concerns. Members of the Committee expressed that there is a need to highlight what training sessions are a priority/optional.
• Questions were raised as to whether attendance at training sessions are recorded on the Council’s website. The Head of Democracy responded that details of attendance on training courses is under the profile of each Elected Member on the website.
• Further comments were made that training sessions are afforded by the Planning Department to Members of the Planning and Orders Committee on a regular basis, but these sessions are only attended by half of the membership of the Committee. It was considered that these sessions are essential for Elected Members to be able to understand the complex decision-making of the planning process. The Training and Development Manager responded that she would be willing to support the Planning Department in promoting the requirement to attend these sessions afforded.
• Reference was made to the Welsh Language courses afforded by the Council for basic to advance courses available to staff and Elected Members. The Training and Development Manager said that 133 staff members have shown an interest in developing their Welsh language skills on different levels.
It was RESOLVED to note the contents of the report.
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