To present the report of the Director of Social Services.
The report of the Director of Social Services incorporating the North Wales Regional Partnership Board Annual Report 2023/24 was presented for the Committee’s consideration.
The Portfolio Member for Adult Services’ and Community Safety introduced this item which is a statutory report each Regional Partnership Board must prepare, publish and present annually to Welsh Government, in line with Section 9 of the Social Services and Welfare Act. The purpose of the report is to provide information for Partners about the Regional Partnership Board and its activities during 2023/24. The Isle of Anglesey County Council as a Local Authority is represented on the Board along with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, North Wales Police and a number of other Organisations, Agencies and members of the third sector. The key aims of the Board are:
The Portfolio Member described how working in partnership across Social Services and partners will assist to developing resilient communities and services for individuals who need care and support.
Siobhan Gothorp, Regional Business Manager of North Wales Regional Partnership Board Support Team gave the Committee an overview of the North Wales Regional Partnership Board Annual Report 2023/24:
The presentation was concluded with the key priorities for the Regional Development Board during 2024/25
Ms Gothorp provided the Committee with a high-level summary of initiatives funded by the Regional Partnership Board on the Isle of Anglesey, which represents 10.35% of the total fund (£1.76m during 2023/24) which was used to support 19 services and schemes.
The Committee expressed its appreciation of the report and arising from the information provided, the following points of discussion were raised by Members:-
· Questions were raised regarding the effectiveness of outcomes for each intervention and project supported by the Board and the degree to which individuals receive a better quality of life as a result of these interventions. Members also questioned the percentage of spend that goes towards direct outcomes for individuals and the percentage allocated to spend on staffing and back-office support, and the degree to which it is possible to communicate this via a Dashboard on the Board’s website. In response it was confirmed that the RPB Support team provide a detailed report on each funding stream on a quarterly basis, with a detailed evaluation provided annually within each Region, to provide assurance.
· The Committee asked about arrangements in place for the Portfolio Member to report back to the Council following key meetings with the Board and other Local Authorities in order to provide an update on key issues. The Portfolio Member for Adult Services’ and Community Safety responded to confirm that arrangements are in place to feed back locally to the Service. The Chief Executive proposed an action with the Head of Democratic Services to consider options for the development of a manageable, effective reporting system; any options to be considered at a future meeting of the Group Leaders.
· To what extent has the Board achieved its key priorities for 2023/24. The Portfolio Holder responded to confirm that the Board are satisfied with their achievements during 2023/24 in order to provide support to ensure a difference is made to the lives of individuals. The Dementia Centre in hwb Glan Hwfa hub and the Small Group Homes scheme were cited as examples of achievements having had a local impact during 2023/24.
· A question was raised regarding accessibility for wheelchair users at the Hwb Cymunedol Glanhwfa Community Hub Dementia Centre. The Head of Adult Services responded to confirm the Service recognises the need for improvement at the Centre which are currently being addressed.
· Questions were raised regarding the need to promote and share the success of the Board and how this may be achieved. The board referred to the establishment of the Good News Story Group which will steer this important area of work per quarter. It was noted that the Board will work collaboratively with the Local Authorities Communication Teams to ensure events and information are widely shared and publicised across the Region.
· How can the Partnership Board contribute towards alleviating some of the ongoing challenges and pressures on frontline Health and Social Care Services given there is no indication the situation will improve significantly to the medium term. In response, Ms Gothorp described the role of the Board in assisting Local Authorities to share good practice across the region through collective discussion in an attempt to reduce duplication and encourage innovation. The Board also continues to promote and champion North Wales for funding opportunities.
· That the Committee confirms it has read, understood and taken into account the work that is required to be undertaken by the Regional Partnership Board.
· That the Committee notes the work and progress in 2023/24 on the work areas that are being taken forward through the North Wales Regional Partnership Board
· The statutory Director of Social Services with the Head of Adult Services invite the North Wales Regional Partnership Board to create a high level dashboard summarising the percentage of funding spent on direct outcomes for users / the percentage of expenditure on administration per project. The dashboard to be uploaded on the Board's website.
· The Chief Executive with the Head of Democratic Services to consider the propriety of developing a process for our representatives on the Regional Partnership Board to report back to the Council at a high level on outcomes / developments of the Board. Invite the Group Leaders to consider the proposal.
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