Agenda item

Care Inspectorate Wales:Local Authority Improvement Check Letter - Isle of Anglesey County Council Adult Services

To present the report and action plan of the Director of Social Services and the Head of Adult Services.


The Care Inspectorate Wales Improvement Check Letter for Adult Services and the Post-Inspection Action Plan by the Director of Social Services and the Head of Adult Services were presented for the Committee’s consideration.


The Portfolio Member for Adult Services’ and Community Safety introduced this item and referred to attendance by Care Inspectorate Wales at a recent meeting of the Social Services Scrutiny Panel which gave Members the opportunity to ask key scrutiny questions. He provided a brief background to the inspection of Adult Services in June 2024 which highlighted strengths, good practice along with areas for improvement. The inspection work focused on the four principles underpinning the Social Services and Wellbeing Wales Act 2014 together with progress made since the previous inspection completed in October 2022.


The Head of Adult Services confirmed the report was a positive one and demonstrates progress made since the previous inspection against the 11 areas identified for improvement.  Five areas have now been fully implemented and the remaining 6 requiring further progress with no specific areas of risk identified by CIW. The Report compares favourably against other Local Authorities in Wales. The improvement plan includes key actions covering the 11 improvement areas identified by Care Inspectorate Wales.


The Chief Executive congratulated the Service on the positive report amid the pressures and challenges faced when providing a service on an Island where the population is ageing.


The Committee expressed its appreciation of the report. In considering the report, the Committee discussed the following key issues in particular:-


  • The survey results evidenced that 89% of people felt listened to ‘at all times’ or ‘most of the time’ and wanted to know the degree to which the Service have an understanding of why the remaining 11% of people did not feel listened to and what is being done to resolve this. The Head of Adult Services felt the survey results were positive given the challenging nature of the Service and noted the importance of an open and honest ongoing dialogue with Service users from the outset.
  • A question was raised about how the Service will continue to improve given the financial challenges we face and availability of Services to meet assessed need and in particular short term or respite care. The Head of Adult Services acknowledged this ongoing challenge, with the Service continuing to endeavour to provide effective care services as close to people’s local community as possible. He described an ongoing scenario of increased demand for care services within a context of diminishing funding.
  • What plans are in place to monitor progress against the areas that need addressing. The Head of Adult Services responded by recognising the importance of regularly monitoring the work programme to ensure progress within the published timescales. The work programme is currently being monitored on a monthly basis and is assessing how best to use good practice to learn, share and improve.
  • The Committee questioned its role in monitoring the work programme and the degree to which any monitoring reports should include examples of how individual actions in the work programme have been implemented. The Chief Executive recommended that a formal update be provided to the Committee in 6 months.
  • Members also enquired about the future of the national software system available to support case management, recording and the monitoring of Social Services provision. The Chief Executive advised the Committee of the proposed implementation of a new national software system “Connect in Care” which will replace the current system, working across Health and Social Services.  It was proposed that the matter be included for discussion at the Members’ Monthly Briefing Session in December, 2024

The Portfolio Member recognised the importance of the Elected Members’ role in challenging the Service whilst recognising the good work provided by Officers within the Service.


Having reviewed the report and action plan of the Director of Social Services and the Head of Adult Services and having noted the responses of Officers to the points of discussion raised it was RESOLVED-


  • That the Committee have considered the Care Inspectorate Wales Improvement checklist letter in relation to Anglesey County Council’s Adult Services, published on the 22nd August 2024.


  • That the Committee have offered comment on the report and confirmed that the attached development plan, drafted by the Service reflects the key areas for improvement and how best to assist in supporting the future work of the Service.


Additional actions-


  • Officers to provide a formal report to the Committee in 6 months on progress made in implementing the post inspection work programme
  • The proposed implementation of the new national software system “Connect in Care” to be included for discussion at the Members’ Monthly Briefing Session in December 2024


Supporting documents: