Agenda item

Strategic Partnership - Menter Môn

To receive a presentation by Menter Môn.


The Chair welcomed Mr Dafydd Gruffydd, Managing Director – Menter Môn to the meeting to present an overview of the services provided by Menter Môn. 


The Chair sympathised with the staff of Menter Môn who have lost a valued member of staff recently. 


Mr Dafydd Gruffydd, Managing Director – Menter Môn said that Menter Môn was established by the County Council in 1995, and a decision was undertaken to establish the company as a ‘not for profit’ company in 1996 to deliver the EU LEADER programme, which sought to develop solutions to challenges faced in rural areas. Projects in the early years included the Ynys Môn Red Squirrel project, the restoration of Swtan Cottage, the establishment of Gwyl Cefni and the development of the coastal path and Lôn Las Cefni.  The company has developed over the years, delivering regional and national projects, but the range and emphasis of work on Ynys Môn has remained constant.  Schemes such as Menai Rivers, which protect the Water Vole, the work of the Menter Iaith, maintaining Aberlleiniog Castle, supporting Anglesey Youth Theatre and organising Gwyl Cefni.  The company now employs 85 staff, who work on projects and contracts ranging from business support, renewable energy, to environmental conservation and SMART technology.  He further said that most of the work carried out regionally and nationally are through contracts, with any surplus retained within the company to support its various projects as noted within the report.  One of the largest project is Morlais, which aims to add value to the tide and bring benefits to Ynys Môn by creating jobs, supporting supply chains and generating income for community project.  Mr Gruffydd further said that Brexit posed a significant threat to Menter Môn as the EU was the main source of funding for most of the company’s projects.  As a result of this uncertainty the company expanded its portfolio, with exploring new areas and developing income generating activities.  Menter Môn has revisited the aims of the company and consider the main areas to unlock the potential of people and resources to secure the future of communities.  The aims are to support and nurture people; strengthen the economy; enhance the environment and celebrate our culture.   However, the uncertainty is ongoing especially within community activities.  The SPF funding continues possibly until March 2025 and ARFOR funding also until March 2025 with a possible extension;  these schemes employ 25 staff.  


Mr Gruffydd referred to Menter Môn’s commitments on Anglesey and how they align with the Council’s Plan 2023-2028.  These align with strategic objectives set out within the Council’s Plan, and particularly the Welsh language, the economy and climate change as set out within the report.  He further referred that Menter Môn consistently engages with a range of groups and communities across the Island.  Menter Môn does not receive core funding and therefore all activities, including engagement, must relate to a contract or grant scheme.  Nevertheless, Menter Môn is keen to build a stable relationship with communities and improve communication.  He proposed that information will be circulated to all elected members by November 2024 i.e. information will include the company’s vision, an overview of current projects, contact details of senior staff and an outline of future plans.  Secondly, a meeting will be arranged with elected members of electoral wards over a period of 12 months.  This will be an opportunity to outline an overview of the company’s work, highlight relevant plans in their areas, and discuss the opportunities and concerns.


The following were points of discussion by the Committee:-


·          How can improved collaboration with the County Council and other local bodies  maximise local benefits.  The Managing Director - Menter Môn responded that discussions have been undertaken recently with the Council to put a structure in place to improve collaboration and regular meetings will be undertaken between Senior Officers of Menter Môn and the Council.  Comments were made that whilst it is accepted that collaboration between Senior Officers of Menter Môn and Executive Members are undertaken, engagement needs to be undertaken with other elected members to inform them of community benefits.  The Chief Executive agreed that collaboration needs to be improved, and yearly engagement framework will be arranged within electoral wards to inform the elected member as to the opportunities is taking place within these wards.  He noted that this collaboration process will ensure that elected members can inform their local communities and Town/Community Councils.

·          As highlighted within the report that Menter Môn was established by the Council to deliver projects on the Island.  What assurances are there that Menter Môn’s focus is on work and delivery on the Island and what else can be achieved in terms of engagement if resources were available. Mr Dafydd Gruffydd responded that the report highlights the work undertaken by Menter Môn.  He said that it is anticipated that the Morlais project will generate income to reduce the dependency on grant funding and short-term grants.  However, if Menter Môn had a similar source of funding, as was available at the beginning of the establishment of the company, more community projects could be achieved.  Further questions were raised whether both the UK Government and Welsh Government will afford funding that was similar to the previous EU funding.  Mr Gruffydd responded that due to uncertainties with resources available it is impossible to gauge as to the funding that will be available.  However, he considered that the UK Government might afford similar funding as the SPF and Levelling Up grants or there will be an extension to the current programme delivery of the current projects. 

·         Questions were asked as to what extent is there enough collaboration with the Town and Community Councils and local alliances.  Mr Gruffydd responded that engagement with different group is undertaken across the Island but if more funding was available more engagement and collaboration could entail.  With the yearly engagement process with local members, it is hoped that it will help for information and feedback to the Town and Community Councils as to the activities and opportunities within the communities.  Further questions were raised as to whether the work undertaken by Menter Môn overlaps the work of Medrwn Môn.  Mr Gruffydd responded that there is a good working relationship between Menter Môn and Medrwn Môn.  He said that Anglesey is fortunate that they have a range of alliances that support the communities of the Island. 

·          Reference was made to the proposed large solar parks in the North of the Island.  Questions were raised as to how Menter Môn can respect the opinions of those for and against the proposals whilst having an interest in development. Mr Gruffydd responded that Menter Môn does not have a business interest in development and will not benefit from this proposed development in the North of the Island.  He said that Menter Môn role is to facilitate the process and to ensure that the local communities benefit from such developments.  Comments were made that whilst Menter Môn would not benefit financially from the proposed solar parks, questions were raised whether Community Group would be more beneficial to ensure that the local community benefit from the developments.  Mr Gruffydd said that Menter Môn has established ‘Ynni Cymunedol Môn’ forum which is administered by Menter Môn. Ynni Cymunedol Môn’ will have its own ‘terms of reference’ and has representatives from the County Council. He noted that local committees will be established within the communities that will be affected by the proposals and it will be these bodies that will decide how to distribute the funding created from these proposed solar parks for the benefit of the local communities.  Further questions were raised as to how Menter Môn will be able to fund the work required to administer such a large project.  Mr Gruffydd responded that Menter Môn has its own energy projects, and it is anticipated that the Morlais programme will generate income in the next three years to enable to fund ‘Ynni Cymunedol Môn’. 

·         Questions were raised as to the challenges of keeping the organisation sustainable due to uncertainty around public funding and short-term grants due to Brexit.  Mr Gruffydd responded that Menter Môn is continuing applying for grants from different funding avenue to ensure that community projects are continuing.

·         Questions were raised as to the benefit the Island will have from the Morlais and other energy projects.  Mr Gruffydd responded that the role of Menter Môn is to ensure that there is local benefit from the energy projects.  It is anticipated that a substantial income will be generated from the Morlais project in the next 10 to 15 years.  Thereafter, a decision will be needed locally as to how to distribute the income for the benefit of the community.


The Leader of the Council said that it is evident that there is a close link between  the Authority and Menter Môn.  Menter Môn is strongly embedded in the Island with successful projects within the communities.  Due to the current financial climate the collaboration between the Council and Menter Môn is more important than ever to enable projects to be undertaken in communities across the Island.


The Committee thanked Mr Dafydd Gruffydd from Menter Môn for the presentation.


ACTION : There were no additional actions.



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