Agenda item

GwE Annual Report for the Isle of Anglesey : 2023/2024

To receive a report by the Director of Education, Skills and Young People.


Submitted – a report by the Director of Education, Skills and Young People for consideration by the Committee.


The Chair welcomed Mrs. Gwenno Jones, Mrs Sharon Vaughan and Mr Rhys Williams from GwE to the meeting.


The Portfolio Member for Education and the Welsh Language said that this is the GwE’s Annual Report for the Isle of Anglesey : 2023/2024.  He said that the Local Authority works in a close and effective partnership with GwE. GwE is the regional education consortium for North Wales and works in partnership with Anglesey’s Learning Service in terms of improving schools, sharing good practice, knowledge and skills, increasing local strengths and building capacity. The reports highlight the main strengths of schools in Anglesey and priorities that need to be further developed.  He noted that there has been good work undertaken within the schools regarding the Curriculum for Wales.  He further said that a review of the ‘middle tier’ roles and responsibilities of the education system in Wales was undertaken between July 2023 and December 2023.  The review looked upon the role of the regional consortia, local authorities and the National Academy for Educational Leadership, with the aim of clearly identifying their roles and responsibilities and funding streams.  It has been noted that there will be a move away from existing arrangements for regional support to a partnership between local authorities which will allow for more local approaches.  In light of this, GwE will come to an end as a service from 1 April, 2025.  He noted that joint working between local authorities is undertaken to ensure that the transitional arrangements are in place to ensure that schools receive suitable support during this period. 


The Director of Education, Skills and Young People reported that there has been close collaboration between the Education Authority and GwE.  The Annual Report before this Committee refers to the work undertaken in 2023/2024.


In considering the report, the Committee discussed the following main matters:-


  • In light of the new Evaluation, Improvement and Accountability Framework, what are the best approaches to education scrutiny.  The Director of Education, Skills and Young People responded that this is a partnership in terms of the Framework and a Senior Officer from the Education Authority has been facilitating and chairing the regional partnership.  He noted that the new Evaluation, Improvement and Accountability Framework is not currently statutory, however, good work has started within the Authority’s schools.  As part of the Framework’s guidance the scrutiny process can hold to account the Portfolio Member for Education as regards to the standard of education and the services to support schools within the authority.   He further said a Work Programme has been established to gauge the work undertaken within schools and Estyn reports are viewed to ensure that their recommendations are carried out.  He considered that there are a several avenues that the scrutiny process can been undertaken and Governors in school are also part of the process.
  • Questions were raised as to whether the Portfolio Member was confident that the transitional arrangements are in place to ensure that schools receive suitable support when GwE as an entity comes to an end.  The Portfolio Member for Education, Skills and Young People responded that Officer’s will be employed by the Authority to ensure that schools receive suitable support.  The Chair suggested that a Member’s Briefing Session be arranged to inform and update the Elected Members on the process for the transitional arrangement following GwE as an entity comes to an end.  The Chief Executive agreed that a Member’s Briefing Session can be arranged, and he noted that reports will be submitted to the Executive in due course and the scrutiny arrangements will also be followed. 
  • Questions were raised as to what the main challenges Anglesey schools and the Learning Service face in are moving forward.  The Director of Education, Skills and Young People responded that the work undertaken in the Authority’s school is commendable.  He referred specifically to challenges within the Additional Learning Needs and especially with regard behavioural and inclusion issues.  He further said that over the years a lot of children who are starting school without communication and social skills and with special needs.  Class numbers are rising, and resources are strained which can put added pressure on individual schools.  Exclusion from schools is rising as is seen nationally together with attendance issues and especially since the pandemic.  He said that changes within the educational systems is challenging with the new Curriculum in Wales with schools having to adapt to the requirements within this curriculum.  The retention and recruitment of staff is a challenge across Wales, but Anglesey is fortunate at present with several staff applying for posts as Headteachers.  The representatives from the GwE reiterated the comments by the Director of Education, Skills and Young People and noted that pressures will also be on secondary schools with the new GCSE’s grading system in Wales.  This new system is designated to differentiate between students of different abilities and reflect the new curriculum.  The new system is expected to be introduced in Wales from 2025.  It was also noted that Secondary Schools have expressed challenges as regards to Welsh language vocabulary in pupils.   Comments were made that there is a system in place to address the literacy and vocabulary issues within the schools and it hoped that this will be progressed to address this issue and that each child when leaving education has the required Welsh and English vocabulary standards.   
  • Reference was made to the increase in Mental Health problems in children and young people across Wales which influences their education.  Questions were raised as to how this Council response strategically to the Mental Health problems.  The Director of Education, Skills and Young People responded that there are inconsistences in schools as regards to the Trauma Informed practices.  He noted that Trauma Informed practices is a priority within the Learning Service and to help and support schools to increase consistencies in each school across the Island.  Further comments were made that Headteachers and Teachers do have concerns and worries as regards young children with Mental Health issues.  Questions were raised as to the support afforded by the Local Education Authority to Headteachers and Teachers in having address Mental Health issues in children.  The Director of Education, Skills and Young People responded that there are continued discussions with Headteachers and Teachers with regards to welfare issues of children within schools.  He noted that Well-being training sessions are afforded to Teachers and support staff. He further said that the collaboration with other schools is important for Headteachers and facilitating the collaboration is important to have discussions and to work together to share experiences. 
  • Questions were raised as to what extent has GwE’s work had an impact on standards in the schools on Anglesey.  The representatives from GwE expressed that it is the teaching staff that have the effect on the standards of schools and GwE’s role is to support and assist the teaching staff to raise standards.  Reference that GwE has been able to support schools following Estyn reports which has identified the need for intervention within specific areas. 
  • Reference was made within the report that several teachers in Anglesey have followed the National Leadership Programmes developing leadership capacity across the Authority at every level with twenty teachers having reached the standard to receive NPQH qualification.  Questions were raised whether these teachers will progress to become Headteachers in the future.  The representative from GwE responded that there are some who achieve the NPQH qualification that shows a willingness to progress to apply for head teaching roles.   It was noted that the Local Authority is well placed with several young teachers appointed to senior roles. 
  • Reference was made within the report that GwE has been continuing to support every cluster to develop their bridging arrangements.  With parents deciding to take their children to schools outside the catchment area questions were raised whether the bridging arrangements can be sustained.  The representatives from GwE responded that previously the bridging arrangements referred to the transition of pupils from primary to secondary schools allowing pupils to visit secondary schools.   The bridging arrangements within its wider context means the continuation of schooling as part of the curriculum and that learning experiences blends from the primary into the secondary provision and build on the progress children have achieved.
  • Reference was made that sixth form pupils from the 5 secondary schools on the Island are having to travel from one school to another or the local college when they have chosen a subject to study at higher level.  Questions were raised as to how this can be continuing to be sustainable. The Director of Education, Skills and Young People responded that the Local Education Authority has recent published its Strategic Outline Programme which refers that discussions will be undertaken within the next 3 years as regards to the post +16 educational provision. Initial discussion has already been undertaken with the secondary schools and data has been collected as to how sustainable the current provision is at present.  The priority is that the education provision is the most effective for post +16 pupils and there are instances that specific subject may be taught with only one or two pupils having chosen that subject.  He noted that consultation will be undertaken when it is appropriate.


As the GwE provision will come to an end in April 2025 the Chair and Members of the Committee wished the representatives of GwE best wishes for the future.


It was RESOLVED to accept the GwE Annual Report for the Isle of Anglesey : 2023/2024.


ACTION : That a Member’s Briefing Session be arranged to inform and update the Elected Members on the process for the transitional arrangement following GwE as an entity comes to an end. 

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