To present the report of the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer.
Councillor Robin Williams, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Member for Finance and Housing presented the report by the Director of Function (Resources)/
Section 151 Officer incorporating the draft Procurement Strategic Plan and Contract Procedure Rules for comment by the committee prior to their submission to the Executive for approval.
The UK Government has revised the legislation in respect of procurement in the public sector and the Procurement Act 2023 will come into force on 24 February 2025.Also, Welsh Government has passed the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023 which places additional responsibilities and duties on public sector organisations in Wales in relation to procurement. The Council commissioned an external company to review the Council’s preparedness for the change in legislation and to provide the Council with an action plan to ensure compliance which covers a number of areas including the overall strategy. The Strategic Plan sets out the Council’s approach to procurement and ensures that the way in which the Council commissions and sources its services, supplies and works is compliant with legislation, internal policies and processes, is ethical, open, fair, transparent and includes economic, social, labour and environmental factors in the process.
The change in procurement legislation required the Council to update its Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) which set out the process on how to undertake a procurement exercise, the different procurement methods and when they should be used. The revised CPRs have been drafted to ensure they are flexible enough to allow officers to undertake procurement exercises in the most efficient and effective way while still ensuring that any procurement exercise is controlled and ensures that the Council achieves value for money.
The Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer advised that the Strategic Plan could mean more opportunities to contract with local firms thereby leading to greater local economic benefits.
The subsequent discussion focused on the following points –
In responding to the points raised, Officers advised as follows –
Having scrutinised the draft Procurement Strategic Plan and Contract Procedure Rules, it was resolved to accept the draft Procurement Strategic Plan for 2024- 25 and Contract Procedure Rules and recommend the same to the Executive.
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