Agenda item

Applications that will be Deferred

6.1  34C553ATy’n Coed, Llangefni

6.2  46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON – Penrhos Coastal Park, Cae Glas and                                                  Kingsland, Holyhead


6.1 34C553a – Outline application for residential development including extra care facility, highway and associated infrastructure at Ty’n Coed, Llangefni.


The Planning Development Manager stated that the application will need to be deferred due to pending discussions relating to the terms of the S106 agreement in respect of affordable housing and the requirements of the Education Authority.


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and for the reasons given.

6.2 46c427K/TR/EIA/ECON – A hybrid planning application proposing :-

Outline planning application, with all matters reserved except for means of access proposing:

A leisure village at Penrhos Coastal Park, London Road, Holyhead comprising up to 500 new leisure units including new lodges, cottages and conversion of the existing estate buildings; central new hub building comprising reception, leisure facilities including indoor water park, ten pin bowling and indoor sports hall and cafes, bars, restaurants and retail; refurbishment and extension of estate buildings to provide central farmer’s market, indoor children’s play area, cycle and sports hire centre, spa with gymnasium and changing facilities, the boathouse ruins for new café and watersports centre, and the bathing house to become a new beachside restaurant; providing and maintaining 29 hectares of publicly accessible areas with public car parking and enhancements to the coastal path, including managed walkways within 15 hectares of woodland, the retention and enhancement of grace’s pond, lily pond, scout’s pond with viewing platforms, the pet cemetery, war memorial, the pump house and picnic area with bird feeding stations and hides with educational and bilingual interpretation boards created throughout; creation of a new woodland sculpture trail and boardwalks and enhanced connection  to the coastal path; retention of public access to the beach and shallow coastal waters and a combined heat and power centre.

Land at Cae Glas : The erection of leisure village accommodation and facilities which could be used initially as a temporary construction workers accommodation complex for Wylfa B at land at Cae Glas, Parc Cybi, Holyhead comprising: up to 315 lodges to be initially sub-divided to accommodate up to 2,000 construction workers; central hub building providing reception and canteen ancillary to accommodation; A Park and Ride facility comprising up to 700 car parking spaces; a new hotel; a lakeside hub comprising restaurant, café, retails and bar; new grass football pitch and cricket pitch; and a combined heat and power centre. to be subsequently converted (post Wylfa B construction) into a high quality extension to the Penrhos Coastal Park leisure village comprising refurbished lodges and facility buildings to create a high quality holiday accommodation (up to 315 family lodges); A visitor centre and nature reserve allowing controlled public access; and heritage centre with visitor parking.

Land at Kingsland : The erection of a residential development which has been designed to be used initially as temporary construction workers accommodation at land at Kingsland, Kingsland Road, Holyhead comprising:  Up to 360 new houses to be initially used as temporary construction workers accommodation.  To be subsequently converted (post Wylfa B construction) into a residential development comprising : Up to 360 residential dwelling set in high quality landscaping and open spaces.  Each phase of development will have ancillary development comprising car parking, servicing areas, open spaces and plant.


Full details for the change of use of the existing Estate buildings at Penrhos Coastal Park, London Road, Holyhead including the change of use for : The Bailiffs Tower and outbuildings at Penrhos Home Farm from a cricket clubhouse to a visitors information centre, restaurant, café, bars and retail; Home Farm Barn and Cart Buildings from farm buildings to cycle and sports hire centre; The Tower from residential to a Managers accommodation and ancillary office; and Beddmanarch House from residential to a visitors centre at Penrhos Coastal Park, Cae Glas a Kingsland, Holyhead


It was noted that it is anticipated that a full report on this application will be presented to the October, 2013 meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.  Additional and amended information is being consulted and notified at the time of writing the report to this Committee.


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and for the reasons given.

Supporting documents: