Agenda item

Political Balance

To submit the report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services.


Submitted – The report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services on political balance arrangements following a reduction in the membership of the Group and the establishment of additional committees.


The proposed changes were highlighted on the matrix attached to the report. The matrix had also been populatedwith 2 new Committees established by the Council on26 September to be politically balanced – an Investigation Committee and a Disciplinary Committee. This increased the total number of seats available for allocation from 114 to 120.  In accordance with the principles of political balance and local conventions, 1 seat would be allocated on each of these two new Committees to the Independent Group and to PlaidCymruand 1 to the Labour Group on one of those Committees.  By convention the remaining seat would need to be allocated to an Unaffiliated Member in order to reach the maximum number of seats available for allocation (120). 


In accordance with political management protocols, the revised political management arrangements [taking accountof the reduction in the membership of the Independent Group and the establishment of 2 new Committees] had been discussed with Group Leaders.




·         To confirm the political balance arrangements and the number of seats allocated to each of the Groups underthe Local Government and Housing Act1989, and the number of seats given by custom and practice to the Members not subject to political balance as set out in the matrix;


·         In accordance with recommendation 1 above, that the Leader in consultation with Group Leaders determine the allocation of seats to Unaffiliated Members arising from these changes and advise the Committee Services Manager accordingly.


·         That Group Leaders be requested to provide details of committee membership to the Committee Services Manager as soon as possible in accordance with the changes highlighted in this report.

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