Agenda item

Economic Development on Anglesey : Overview, Opportunities and Challenges

To submit a report by the Head of Service (Economic Development) in relation to the above.


Submitted – a report by the Head of Service (Economic Development) in relation to the above.


It was reported that the Isle of Anglesey has suffered from a declining economy and pockets of significant socio-economic deprivation.  The role of the County Council, in partnership with the community and key stakeholders to ensure potential opportunities are capitalised upon whilst responding effectively to the challenges.   The objectives of the Council will primarily be delivered through the Enterprise Island Framework, the Authorities vision for a strong and vibrant economy to create jobs and prosperity for local residents and communities. 


The Enterprise Island Framework has been established to enable interactions, alignment and co-ordination through three distinct programme areas : Energy Island Programme, Destination Management Plan and broader Regeneration Programme.  In delivering the Enterprise Island Framework the Economic Development Unit has a facilitatory and leadership role to develop the transformational opportunities, whilst ensuring residents are well informed, consulted and given the opportunity to shape the Island’s social and economic future where appropriate.  This relationship is key to maintaining and developing the County Council’s reputation with potential developers and local communities. 


The Head of Service outlined the potential of the new nuclear build at Wylfa, Rhiannon Offshore Wind Farm and Penrhos Leisure Village with the potential of the creation of 2,500 net additional jobs by 2025, alongside 6,000 construction jobs and a major contribution to GVA.  This could represent a contribution of £2.34 billion to Anglesey and the sub-regional economy in the period up to 2025.  The proposed projects for Anglesey and North Wales will be substantial and as a result of the opportunities associated with the Enterprise Island Framework, underpinned by the Energy Island Programme, Enterprise Zone status, Welsh Government Programmes, current and future European funding streams and anticipated substantial private sector investment. 


The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Councillor Aled M. Jones stated that the substantial potential developments on the Island would create immense inward investment.  The Economic Development Unit is working hard to ensure that local businesses and residents of the Island could benefit from such developments. 


He also referred to the recent announcement that the land owned by the Isle of Anglesey County Council on the A55 expressway near Gaerwen has been chosen as the preferred site for a proposed new Menai Science Park.  The development could be a major new project for the Island.  The County Council’s Economic Development Unit will therefore continue to work closely with Bangor University and Welsh Government to progress the project further. The aim is to ensure that the Menai Science Park complements the Welsh Government’s aim of establishing the Island as a centre for excellence for low carbon energy through Enterprise Zone status and Anglesey’s own Energy Island vision.


Issues raised by Members :-


·       Members questioned whether the whole of the Island could benefit from the potential large developments.  The Portfolio Holder responded that the Island could benefit from the inward investment and it is anticipated that the communities would gain from the developments.  He stressed that Members should view these immense projects as a whole Island gain and not one particular side of the Island. The Head of Service reiterated the comments of the Portfolio Holder and stressed that these projects should be viewed as a whole Island prospective. 


·       Members also enquired if the skills of local people are sufficient to be able to compete for employment in respect of the potential large developments on the Island.    The Head of Service responded that skills development had been incorporated into the negotiations with the companies and large investments, resulting in direct support into the creation of new apprenticeship schemes.  It was further reported that an Officer has been employed on behalf of the 6 North Wales Local Authorities as part of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board to move the skills agenda forward.  It was suggested that the Officer be invited to a future meeting of this Committee.


·       Questions raised regarding the impact on Tourism in respect of wind turbines, pylons and construction of potential large developments on the Island. The Head of Services responded each issue must be considered on its own merit.  The need to protect the Island’s visitor economy facilities during potential major project construction periods was emphasised.


Following further discussions it was RESOLVED


  • To note the contents of the report and recognise the importance of the unprecedented economic transformation opportunity presented and the County Council’s and Economic Development Units role in delivering the Enterprise Island vision;


  • To recognise the key role of the County Council and the Economic Development Unit in ensuring local people, communities and businesses capitalise fully on the future opportunities;


  • Tor recognise the need to safeguard resources and capacity within the Economic Development Unit to support the delivery of the Enterprise Island vision;


  • To recognise the need for the County Council’s financial resources as match funding to secure future EU and other resources to progress Enterprise Island.


  • To invite the Skills Development Officer, employed on behalf of the 6 North Wales Local Authorities as part of the North Wales Economic Ambition Board to move the skills agenda forward.



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