Agenda item

Menter Môn

To submit a presentation by the Managing Director of Menter Môn.


The Chair welcomed Mr. Gerallt Llewelyn Jones, Managing Director of Menter Môn to give a presentation to the Committee.


Mr. Jones gave a background to Menter Môn and the Annog Ltd., companies.  He referred to the audited accounts of both companies for 2012.  Menter Môn has the difficult task of ensuring that it serves three important stakeholders: the communities it serves (the beneficiaries of its work); the funders who invest in its work and the Directors who depend upon on day to day governance.


The 5 year group business model for the 2010/2014 Business Plan has the following components :-


  • Applying for and securing continued grant funded activity in order to achieve primary aim of developing the Island’s economy, particularly its rural area;
  • Operating social enterprise businesses via. Annog Ltd., which create jobs, benefit the economy and prepare for the future;
  • Geographical extension of the business model to other county areas;
  • Improving the accommodation, liquid asset and earning capacity of Menter Môn;
  • Developing purchased properties so that the group and the local economy can benefit from their subsequent operation i.e. to make acquired assets work for the benefit of all.


Mr. Jones outlined the prospects for Menter Môn 2015/2020 Business Plan and how the County Council and Menter Môn can work together into the future, especially the EU Rural Development Plan and EU Structural Funds.  He noted that since its inception the Company has diversified, grown and established a business model aimed at further strengthening its foundation but is dependent upon its ability to secure external grants.   He also referred to the match funding grant awarded to Menter Môn by the Isle of Angelsey Charitable Trust which multiplied to £2m in the Rural Development Plan grant for rural communities. 


The Chair considered that this Committee should be allowed to visit some of the rural communities which has benefited from RDP grants and the difference it has made to these communities.


Details of Menter Môn’s 2015/2020 Business Plan was reported to the Committee and how the County Council and Menter Môn can co-operate in the future :-


  • EU Rural Development Plan – close co-operation with the County Council in ensuring the Island achieves maximum benefit from the programme.  Menter Môn is eager to ensure that the AERP and the authority is fully involved in the LEADER programme.


  • EU Structural Funds – pursuing co-operative innovations with the County Council in pursuit of new methods of acquiring benefit to the Island in terms of :-


·                     Ensuring that Community benefit changes people’s lives and prospects as well as improving infrastructure;

·                     Funding and producing community based economic development from renewable energy, using local authority capital raising powers and local authority owned land;


·                     Transfer of appropriate non-statutory services to an altruistic company such as Menter Môn;

·                     The provision of affordable housing on the Island through a further tranche of asset transfers;

·                     Exploring the establishment of Community Land Trusts;

·                     Working with Scottish Power on the demand side of energy efficiency and carbon savings;

·                     Contributing to the supply chain business benefits of the Energy Island Programme;

·                     Improving the links between research at Bangor University and growth business start-ups on Anglesey;

·                     Ensuring that the improvements in digital communications due on the Island are matched by an investment in ensuring that inhabitants and businesses make the best economic use of them.


Mr. Jones stated that as the County Council is able to borrow money at a lower interest rate and thereafter could help an organisation like Menter Môn to move forward important projects on the Island. 


The Chair stated that as Menter Môn is a close partnership organisation with the County Council, he suggested that Mr. Gerallt Ll. Jones should be a co-opted Member of this Committee.


Following a question and answer session it was RESOLVED to thank Mr. Gerallt Ll. Jones, Managing Director of Menter Môn for his informative presentation.




·                     To support Menter Môn to start negotiations with the County Council and the Economic Development Unit to discuss possible funding for projects contained within the report.


·                     That arrangements be made to visit projects completed within the rural community who have benefited from the RDP grant funding.


·                     That Mr. Gerallt Ll. Jones, Managing Director of Menter Môn be appointed as a Co-Opted Member of this Committee with no voting rights.



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