Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1 – 10C118A/RE – Bryn yr Odyn, Soar

12.2 – 14C135A – Glasfryn, Tyn Lon

12.3 – 14C28G/1/ECON – Mona Industrial Estate

12.4 – 14C28H/1/ECON – Plot 14, Mona Industrial Estate

12.5 – 19C1052C – RNA Club, St. David’s Road, Holyhead

12.6 – 28C483 – Sea Forth, Warren Road, Rhosneigr

12.7 – 40C315B – Moelfre Seawatch Centre


12.1 10C118A/RE – Full application for the siting of a 15MW solar array farm on land adjacent to Bryn yr Odyn, Soar


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


The Vice-Chair, Councillor Ann Griffith, a Local Member requested that the application be visited  as a landscape assessment is required and there is a solar array farm only 1.6 km from the site which has had approval; a cumulative effect needs to be assessed. 


Councillor K.P. Hughes proposed that the site be visited and Councillor Nicola Roberts seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to undertake a site visit for the reasons given.


12.2  14C135A – Full application for the erection of a dwelling and private garage, creation of a new vehicular access together with the installation of a package treatment plant on land adjacent to Glasfryn, Tyn Lon


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


The Chair invited Mrs. Angharad Crump, the applicant, to address the Committee


The main points raised by Mrs. Crump was that the application should be approved under Policy 50 and HP5 which allows individual dwellings on infill sites, close to the development part of small villages and rural cluster; with Llynfaes already identified.  As a family they wish to build a home in their local community and near their family.  Planning Policy Officers have stated that the plot is part of a rural cluster in the Temporary Planning Policy for Rural Clusters.  The current access is used by agricultural machinery, cars and business traffic with no accidents reported in the last 20 years.   As applicants they are willing to cut down the trees on the site to allow better visibility. 


The Chair invited Councillor Bob Parry OBE, one of the local members to address the Committee.


Councillor Parry stated that he support this application, he questioned the Highways Officers in respect of the issues raised by Mrs. Crump in respect of the access to the site.  The Highways Officers responded that they accept that to the access to the site is used by other vehicles but it is substandard.  A pre-application meeting had been conducted regarding a new access to the dwelling but the Highways Officers were of the opinion that it would be unacceptable. 


Councillor T. Victor Hughes proposed that the application be approved, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor Vaughan Hughes seconded the proposal.


Councillors Lewis Davies, Ann Griffith, John Griffith, T. Victor Hughes, Vaughan Hughes, R.O. Jones voted in favour of the application.  Councillor Jeff Evans abstained from voting.  


It was RESOLVED to approve the application, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation on the basis that it conforms with Policy 50, as it is within a cluster.  (Councillor N. Roberts as a Local Member did not vote on the application).


In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution the application will be automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow the Officers to respond to the reason given for approving the application.


12.3 14C28G/1/ECON – Full application for the erection of a HGV repair workshop together with the siting of a portable office and the provision of HGV parking for agri-contractors on plot 7 at Mona Industrial Park


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as the site is owned by the County Council.


Councillor Vaughan Hughes proposed that the application be approved and Councillor K.P. Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions contained within the report.


12.4 14C28H/1/ECON – Full application for the erection of a storage distribution warehouse with office and canteen at Plot 14, Mona Industrial Estate, Mona


It was reported that at the time of submitting the application the land was owned by the County Council.  Since submitting the application the applicant has purchased the land.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the application be approved and Councillor R.O. Jones

seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions contained within the report.


12.5 19C1052C – Full application for the erection of 12 two bedroomed flats and 3 one bedroomed flats together with the construction of a new access on the site of the former RNA Club, St. David’s Road, Holyhead


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


Councillor R.O. Jones proposed that the application be approved and Councillor K.P. Hughes    

seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions contained within the report.


12.6 28C483 – Full application for the siting of a log cabin at Sea Forth, Warren Road, Rhosneigr


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


The Chair invited Mr. Ian Robinson, an objector to the application, to address the Committee.


Mr. Robinson stated that he had been asked by some of the residents of Warren Road, Rhosneigr to address the Committee.  He asked the Committee to consider visiting the site in order the view the proposed development.


Councillor Raymond Jones proposed that the site be visited and Councillor Vaughan Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to undertake a site visit for the reasons given.


12.7 40C315B – Full application for the temporary permission for the siting of four storage containers on land at Moelfre Seawatch Centre, Moelfre


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as the development involves land which the County Council has leased to the RNLI with a term of over 80 years.


Councillor T. Victor Hughes proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Vaughan Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions contained within the report.


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