Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council, Executive or the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive extended his congratulations to the Social Services Department in respect of the following:-


Adults’ Services hosted 2 prestigious national networks at the end of last month.  The first was the All Wales Strategy for Older People’s Co-ordinators network which met on the Island on 18th November.  The network includes senior officers from the Health and Social Services Directorate of Welsh Government, Welsh Local Government Association Equalities Department, Ageing Well in Wales lead from the Commissioner for Older People’s office.  Discussions are focused around Local Authorities signing up to the Dublin Declaration [which we signed in September, 2013] and the programme of work around the Ageing Well in Wales network.


Secondly, on 19 November, the Age Friendly Communities steering group  meeting was hosted by Anglesey.  AFC is an Ireland-Wales INTERREG funded project which brings together five partners in Ireland and Wales to develop intergenerational strategies (local and transnational) and to pilot activities to encourage community cohesion and social inclusion.


Both national networks came together at the end of the second day for a networking high tea led by the Council’s Leader, Chairman of the Council and the Champions for Older People and Carers.  This was attended by both national interests and representatives of our local services for older people (Age Well, Older People’s Forum) as well as recipients of our local Age Friendly projects – for example Parc Mwd, Valley and the Allotments at Benllech. 


On Thursday 28 November 2012, Carl Sargeant AM (Welsh Government Minister for Housing and Regeneration) visited one of the Supported Housing projects for people with substance and alcohol misuse needs in Llangefni.  The Eilianfa Scheme is funded by the Supporting People Programme and is based in the centre of the community.  The visit had been arranged following a request made by the Welsh Government to visit two supported housing schemes in North Wales for substance and alcohol misusers.  The other project visited was in Flintshire.  £18,194.16 is invested for the provision of housing related support services for two people in Eilianfa which is owned by Tai Eryri. The support service is provided by CAIS as an organisation which has expertise in dealing with people with alcohol and substance misuse needs.


The Minister spent some time on his own with the two service users discussing their personal experiences and their experience of living in the supported housing scheme.  It was evident that he was very favourably impressed by the two individuals, the scheme and the support.  He was very complimentary about the scheme and the Supporting People Programme generally across Wales which is responsible for 70% of the budget annual budget that he is responsible for.


Congratulations were also extended to the Housing Department with regard to the following:-


An extremely successful annual meeting was held by Anglesey Communities First.  The Director of the Anti-Poverty Department of the Welsh Government remarked that this scheme is a flagship for Wales and that additional funding had been provided for a pilot scheme to get workless households back into employment.


The Housing Services were placed in the top three housing organisations throughout Wales in the category of Housing Regenerating Communities, and have been recognised as an example of good practice in the Chartered Institute of Housing Wales new publication for the second year in succession for their initiative that provides financial assistance for first time buyers purchasing a property that has been vacant for at least 6 months.


Councillor K P Hughes, Portfolio Holder wished to minute his appreciation to the staff of the Housing and Social Services Department for their work in this respect.


The Chief Executive mentioned that the Welsh Young Farmers Eisteddfod was held at Mona on Saturday, 16th November, 2013.  It was a pleasure to welcome them here to Anglesey and the Chair of the Council and other Members were in attendance on the day to view the competitions.


The Chief Executive also mentioned that an invitation was extended to Members to attend the Anglesey Staff Awards Ceremony for 2013 at 2:30 pm this Friday.


Congratulations were extended to Sam, the son of Councillor R Dew who had won the World Powerlifting Championship at Glasgow on 2nd November, 2013.


Congratulations were extended to Gwenno Pugh originally from Penmynydd upon winning the Fferm Factor competition on S4C last night.


On a sadder note, the Chief Executive extended the Council’s sympathy to the family of Mr John Rowlands, former Headteacher of Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi and Deputy Director of Education for Gwynedd Council.


Sympathy was also extended to Lord Stanley of Alderley, who died recently aged 86.  His family played a prominent part in the history of Holyhead town.  Lord Stanley was a Member of the House of Lords until 1999.  He spent more than 40 years as President of the Holyhead lifeboat and was Patron of Holyhead’s Ucheldre Centre and Maritime Museum as well as a member of the Friends of St Cybi and the Anglesey Antiquarian Society.


The Vice-Chair also extended his deepest sympathy to Mrs Bessie Burns, former Councillor and Chair of this County Council upon the recent loss of her husband Dennis.


Condolences were also extended to any Member of the Council or staff who had suffered bereavement.  Members and Officers stood in silent tribute as a mark of respect.