Agenda item


To submit the following questions on notice by Councillor Bob Parry, OBE, to the Leader of the Council:-


“Is the Council willing to establish a cross party panel to be ready to respond to the Williams report on reducing the number of Councils in Wales?”


·                   To submit the following question on notice by Councillor Bob Parry,OBE, to the Portfolio Holder for Social Services and Housing:-

“How many Council house tenants have been evicted from their homes because they have been unable to pay bedroom tax?”


·                   To submit the following question on notice by Councillor Trevor Ll Hughes, to the Portfolio Holders for Social Services and Housing :-


I would like to know in detail, the latest position regarding the closure of the County Council’s homes for the elderly on Anglesey, with particular reference to Garreglwyd residential home, Holyhead, with details regarding meetings with staff at the home to explain the situation to them”.


  Submitted - The following question on notice by Councillor Bob Parry, OBE, to the Leader of the Council:-


“Is the Council willing to establish a cross party panel to be ready to respond to the Williams report on reducing the number of Councils in Wales?”


The Leader of the Council in reply stated:-


“I think it is very sensible to establish a cross party Panel.  I think it is a little premature.  What it is, is a review of the public sector and not cutting down on the number of Councils.”


The following supplementary question was asked by Councillor Bob Parry, OBE:-


“I still stick to the same question because I think it is important that we are ready, because there are certain things in the report which equate to ideas regarding a reduction in the number of Councils.  I do think when the time is right, we need to establish a Panel.”


The Leader in response stated:-


“Yes, I think you have misunderstood me.  I think it is sensible that we do, and I agree, and we will do that. Thank you.”


  Submitted - The following question on notice by Councillor Bob Parry, OBE, to the Portfolio Holder for Social Services and Housing:-


“How many Council house tenants have been evicted from their homes because they have been unable to pay the bedroom tax?”


Councillor K P Hughes, Portfolio Holder for Social Services and Housing in reply stated:


“In response to your question, we have not so far evicted any tenants from Council houses due to inability to pay bedroom tax.  Eviction is always a last resort and everything possible will have been done by the Authority and partner agencies to enable tenants to keep their tenancies.  Before we go down this road, the Housing Department will present a report to the Executive.”


The following supplementary question was asked by Councillor Bob Parry, OBE:-


“Thank you.  I am pleased that a report will come to the Executive because I think some Councils have already taken steps to try and overcome this problem.  But the question I was going to ask was when the Housing Department lets houses are they more careful that they don’t let 3 bedroomed houses to one person?”


Councillor K P Hughes in responses stated:-


“Yes, I think they have to be more careful for obvious reasons because we don’t want the problem to come about.”


  Submitted - The following question on notice by Councillor Trevor Lloyd Hughes, to the Portfolio Holders for Social Services  and Housing:-


“I would like to know in detail, the latest position regarding the closure of the County Council’s homes for the elderly on Anglesey, with particular reference to Garreglwyd residential home, Holyhead, with details regarding meetings with staff at the home to explain the situation to them.”


Councillor K P Hughes, Portfolio Holder for Social Services and Housing in reply stated:-


“The Council resolved during July 2013 to accept the messages received during the consultation between October-December 2012. 


It was resolved to maintain the current status of the Residential Homes and to establish a project in order to ensure that plans would be developed regarding the future intentions of the Council with regard to suitable accommodation and the community provision available. 


All residents in our residential homes were consulted during May confirming the officers’ intention to submit recommendations to Council and that there would be no change in relation to their care.  It was confirmed that we would contact them further as the programme develops. 


The Project Board was established as part of the Council’s transformation Programme which prioritises the development of adults services.


Within this programme priority was given to:


-       Development of Extra Care Housing – Amlwch area

-       Strengthening Enabling services which empower individuals to live at home.


Within the programme the detailed plans regarding the above will be presented to the Programme Board at the end of January so that they can be considered by the Council between February and March.  Together with capacity considerations, priority was given to the above programmes but it is also intended to consider the Extra Care Housing needs of the Llangefni area and then the South of the Island within the programme as well.  It is also intended to consider dementia services with this programme starting in Spring.


The Council resolved (July 8) to maintain the present access status of Garreglwyd Home, which is not to accept permanent placements, but to urge the use of the home for respite care:


“Confirm the present use of the Authority’s 6 residential homes.  This has included restricting the use of any empty places at Garreglwyd, Holyhead for respite care only”.


This decision was based on avoiding putting vulnerable adults in a situation of being placed while there was any doubt about the future of the home.  The intention was to ensure consistency for the present residents whilst the Programme Board could consider the work programme in its entirety and report back based on knowledge.  The intention is to present further information regarding the situation as part of the transformation programme within this present financial year.


Regular meetings were held with staff in every residential home over the recent period.  Meetings will be held with Unions as well every two weeks.


Despite the challenge posed by this programme we believe that we will be able to keep to the timetable that has been agreed within the Board’s arrangements.”


The following supplementary question was asked by Councillor T Lloyd Hughes:-


“The staff in these homes don’t know what is going on.  Senior Officers in the Department have not been visiting the homes.  You talk about respite going to Garreglwyd – how many more beds are you moving from Garreglwyd?  Just think, if you worked there, how would you feel about what’s going on?  Nobody knows.  Two beds have already gone from there”.


Councillor K P Hughes in reply stated:-


“Since I don’t have the information to hand, I will come back to you in written format over the next fortnight.”