Agenda item

Economic Applications

8.1 46V149N/ECON/FR – Trearddur Bay Hotel, Lôn Isallt, Trearddur Bay


8.1  46149N/ECON/FR – Full application for the erection of 27 holiday cottages, 9 garden rooms as an extension to the hotel accommodation, reception office building, creation of a new vehicular and pedestrian access together with landscaping at Trearddur Bay Hotel, Lôn Isallt, Trearddur Bay

The application was called in by the Local Member.

The Chair invited Mr David Middleton to speak to the Committee in support of the application.

Mr David Middleton introduced himself as the appointed agent for the applicant and addressed the Committee as follows –

·         The proposal involves the provision of 27 holiday cottages and 9 hotel garden rooms which will be developed in a sustainable location within easy walking distance to the centre of Trearddur Bay and all of the shops, services and facilities available.

·         A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment positively concludes that the development would not be intrusive in the wider landscape with the design and layout of the holiday cottages and garden rooms being landscape led having evolved through pre application discussion with Anglesey Council.

·         Landscape and Planning Officers at Anglesey Council have been heavily involved in influencing the layout of the development and have had a direct input into the overall mass and design of the accommodation.

·         There are no objections to the application by any of the statutory consultees.

·         The economic benefits from the development will be significant and are a material consideration in support of the application.  It is estimated that the development will contribute an additional 700k per annum to the Trearddur Bay local economy.

·         This monetary spin off will directly benefit local businesses in Trearddur Bay and will sustain the hotel as one of the main holiday accommodation providers and largest employees in the area.

·         As part of the application, the applicant has agreed to make a £30k section 106 contribution to improve car parking in Trearddur Bay and to provide a pedestrian crossing point in the village centre.

·         The application is supported at both national and local planning policy level and the Committee report confirms that there is no conflict with the Development Plan or the policies that apply in this respect.

Members of the Committee asked Mr Middleton a number of questions about the design of the holiday cottages and their use on an all year basis and whether this was an overdevelopment; whether recruitment to the five additional permanent posts would be from the locality, and conformity with Welsh Language policy.

Mr Middleton in reply explained that he was aware of local objections in relation to over-development and he said that the scheme was discussed in detail with Officers who heavily influenced the site layout and design. The holiday cottage development is focused in a less obtrusive area to the south west of the site. There will be environmental and ecological improvements made within the site. The holiday cottage units have been designed to avoid their looking like a quasi- housing estate and provide a mix of development types so that it does not appear uniform. It is anticipated that the recruitment to the five additional posts will be made from the local area consistent with current practice. Mr Middleton confirmed that dual language signage throughout the hotel will extend to the proposed holiday cottages. As regards usage of the holiday cottages, the intention is that they will be used throughout the year but the applicant would accept the model planning conditions that the authority imposes to prevent residential occupation. It is not the intention they be used for residential purposes and operationally the hotel would not wish to lose control of any of the holiday cottages and garden rooms for that purpose but to retain them for holiday usage.

Councillor Jeff Evans as a Local Member referred to a number of objections from the Community Council and local residents. He sought clarification of the nature of the local support to which Mr Middleton had made reference. Mr Middleton said there had been feedback via the hotel itself. Also through discussions the need for a pedestrian crossing point in Trearddur village had become apparent and it is a matter on which the applicant is keen to work with the community in meeting the need.

The Planning Development Manager stated that the proposal is acceptable in policy terms. The Highways Authority has not objected to the proposal and has been in discussion with the agent regarding potential scheme benefits amounting some £30,000. Landscape and amenity impacts are not considered unacceptable – a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment identifies site planting as a key to mitigating residual impacts given the extensive work undertaken in the design process to secure the integration of the site into its surroundings. Likewise, any negative effects in terms of ecological impact can be mitigated by the proposed landscaping proposals. In term of economic impact, the proposal on balance will generate positive economic effects. Additionally the scheme has been designed to respect the listed building on site and there are no technical issues arising. A condition regarding holiday use would be imposed if the proposal is approved.

Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes as a Local Member, highlighted matters in relation to flood risk and drainage and raised the question of whether the development can be fitted into its surroundings without unacceptable harm. He requested that a site visit be undertaken to enable Members to gauge the potential effects of the proposal in the context of its surroundings and overdevelopment. Councillor Hughes was supported in this respect by Councillors Jeff Evans and Raymond Jones.

The Chair reminded Members requesting a site visit, that the request be made at the commencement of the discussion. The Planning Development Manager pointed out that the written report addresses the issue of flood risk and drainage.

Councillor Victor Hughes proposed that the application be approved as the proposal is an opportunity to draw people into the area over the Winter months and to provide a boost to the local economy and employment market. His proposal was seconded by Councillor R.O.Jones. Councillor Jeff Evans acceded that if the Committee is of the mind that the concerns expressed do not require a site visit, then he was happy that the proposal be supported.

It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s report subject to the conditions listed therein and subject to a S106 agreement (to deliver wider community benefits including a footway extension on Lôn Isallt and a pedestrian crossing on Lôn St Ffraid together with securing the garden rooms as part of the hotel complex)


Supporting documents: