Agenda item

Transformation Programme Framework

Deputy Chief Executive to give a presentation to the Committee on the Transformation Programme Framework.


Members of the Committee were provided with a presentation on the Transformation Programme Framework which covered the governance arrangements of the transformation programme boards; the process for commencing and reporting programmes and projects and the status of current change programmes and projects.


The Deputy Chief Executive summarised the background to the establishment of the Transformation Programme including the principles and purpose on which the Programme is founded. She explained that the Transformation Programme provides the apparatus whereby change plans and schemes within the Council can be taken forward purposefully and in accordance with project management disciplines.


The Transformation Programme Manager proceeded to elaborate on the various elements of the Transformation Programme and the functions they fulfil and she highlighted the following points –


           The focus of the transformation programme in delivering on the objectives of the Council’s Corporate Plan; in providing the mechanism and framework to drive forward change and improvement and in ensuring that the change programme is managed and delivers to expectations.

           The terms of reference of the three Transformation Programme Boards and their purpose in overseeing change within the Council.

           Membership of the Programme Boards in drawing on representation from a range of interests including the Executive, scrutiny, relevant services and external expertise as required.

           The governance model and reporting structure from the point of a project’s inception and mandate through to challenge, oversight and completion.

           The key drivers for prioritising projects and tasks and the process for project initiation and carry through.

           Communication channels and the mechanisms for communicating the outcomes via a project register which holds information about where each project reports to and how they inform direction and priorities. Minutes of meetings are shared with the Penaethiaid and key messages are posted on Monitor. Scrutiny, SLT and the Sustainability Board are provided with feedback on progress.

           Next steps in terms of undertaking a first year review of governance arrangements, the underpinning processes and the prioritisation of transformation activities.


Members were afforded the opportunity to ask questions on the information presented. The following issues  were raised in the ensuing discussion:


           The process for dealing with and managing any uncertainties within the programme that might hinder progress.

           The adequacy of the support structure for the programme in order to ensure that it progresses to timescales and targets. It was noted that the programme appears short on person power support.

           The adequacy and breadth of the reporting arrangements in terms of keeping all Members informed on progress.

           The need for the Transformation Programme framework to be able to deliver to targets in a way that is smart and expeditious. The importance of the Programme being able to provide tangible and timely results was emphasised.

           Whether the recommendations made by the Audit Committee with regard to the management and governance of information have been followed through in terms of making managers across the Council aware of their responsibilities in this respect.


The Officers responded to the matters highlighted by further clarifying the principles on which the Transformation Programme is based; the project management environment and methods which govern the way the programme framework works and the timelines for delivery of results. They also pointed out that additional capacity has been allocated to the Programme to provide support and expertise with the delivery of some of the larger projects.  The Head of Function (Resources) said that it was imperative that the Transformation Programme is accelerated as it is the main area for meeting the budget gap in 2014/15 and over the subsequent 3 years, otherwise the approach to budget cuts will have to revert to salami slicing. The Officer said that she believed it would be difficult to deliver services efficiently based on this approach. Consequently she deemed it essential that regular monthly reports on the progress of the Transformation Programme in bridging the budget gap are produced. The Deputy Chief Executive said that the boards meet bi-monthly  and are now engaged on the business cases which will identify the level of savings required and whilst the need for regular reporting about end delivering on projects is recognised, not all the transformation projects are about delivering savings.


Members of the Audit Committee emphasised the importance of regular and timely reporting on the Transformation programme and they indicated that they as a committee would appreciate being kept abreast of progress on those  programmes specifically involved in  identifying and developing efficiencies in terms of service delivery linked to bridging the budget gap. The Deputy Chief Executive suggested that the Officers consider the most appropriate and relevant forum to which to relay information on progress on transformation specifically with reference to monitoring efficiencies and the substance of that information, and that they would in the meantime keep the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee briefed on the matter.


It was resolved to note the information presented.


ACTION ARISING: Deputy Chief Executive and Transformation Programme Manager to consider the reporting lines in relation to monitoring the delivery of efficiencies and to report back to this Committee. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee to be briefed in the meantime.