Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council, Executive or the Chief Executive


The Chairman congratulated Valley Primary School pupils on their success with the song they recorded for their Christmas Show. That video had been seen by a large number of people around the world on YouTube and he was sure that all the children were delighted with having taken part in something so special and unforgettable. The Chair also thanked teacher Mr. Iolo Evans for his work helping them with the recording, congratulated them again on their success and looked forward to hearing the next song.


Before Christmas, pupils and staff of Ysgol y Graig, Llangefni had the pleasure of being part of a carol competition held annually by the S4C television programme Pnawn Da/Good Afternoon. The aim of the competition was to urge staff and primary school pupils in Wales to compose and record brand new carols. The school took advantage of the opportunity and began the work in November to create a record of the new carol Daeth y Dolig/Christmas is Here by Miss Catrin Angharad Roberts, a member of staff. The judges were Rob Nicholls and Sioned James, and they had the task of drawing a short list of 10 carols from the 35 that had entered the competition.


The carol recorded by Ysgol y Graig was judged to be one of the top ten. A television crew came to the school to film and record the carol, an unforgettable experience for the children of the junior choir and staff. The carol was broadcast with the other 9 carols over a two week period before Christmas 2013 and it was announced on the last Friday of the term that Ysgol y Graig’s carol had won the competition.


We cannot over-emphasise the joy and excitement of the children on the day that the announcement was made and it was all a perfect ending to a hugely successful year. The staff of the school would like to thank everyone for their congratulations and that it was a pleasure to represent Anglesey in such a national competition.


Congratulations were also extended for the sweeping success of Beaumaris Junior Band in the British Junior Bands Championship 2014 held at Blackpool recently. Each band was expected to have a varied programme of music lasting half an hour and Beaumaris performed a programme that was Celtic in nature. There were 11 junior bands (under 18 years of age) competing. When the results were announced, Beaumaris had won the following:-


Trophy and British Junior Band Champioship Prize 2014

Championship Best Euphonium Section Trophy

Best Soprano Cornet in the Competition

Trophy for the Best Choice of Music Programme in the Championship

Trophy for the Best Soloist in the Championship (Pippa Scourse)

Trophy Competition’s Best Conductor (Gwyn Evans)


This was certainly an occasion to celebrate and to remember a group of very talented and conscientious young people who were trained by a number of people who were very willing to give their time.


The Chairman mentioned that tonight he would be attending a performance by Alleni Mon from the Music Show ‘Y Fordaith Fawr/The Sea Journey’ at Beaumaris Leisure Centre.


Alleni was a community group that offered a taste of every aspect of Theatr work for children and young people from all parts of Anglesey. It was established in August 2012, and this year they had been fortunate enough to be able to work under the direction of Tim Baker and Emyr John from Theatr Clwyd, as well as the usual team of tutors – Helen Barton from Holyhead and Nia Evans from Talwrn who taught them weekly.


The show ‘Y Fordaith Fawr/The Big Sea Journey’ took us back 100 years to follow the story of Mari and Tomos, and it led us along a path of rural life in Wales to the horrors of a workhouse and then on to a sea journey full of hope to America.


On a sadder note, on Saturday 1st February, the death was announced of former Council Member William Emyr Jones, Gaerwen, who was a member of the County Council between 1999-2004. Emyr would be remembered for his work for the Llanfihangel Esceifiog ward and for his contribution over the years in the field of agriculture. Sympathy was extended to his wife Olwen and the family in their loss.


The Chair also sympathised with the ex-member of the Assembly and ex-Leader of Plaid Cymru, Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones on his sad loss following the death of his wife Eirian Llwyd. Originally from Prion near Denbigh, she worked to promote the place of women in politics in the 80’s, ensuring a more prominent place for women on the committees of Plaid Cymru. She was also responsible for establishing the Rhyl Branch of Womens Aid in the 1970’s and 80’s. After a change of career, she established her company ‘The Original Print Place’ which brought original prints by a number of leading Welsh artists to the attention of a wider audience.


Deepest condolences were sent to Ieuan, to the children Gerallt, Gwenllian and Owain and all her family in their huge loss in losing a dear wife, mother and grandmother.


Condolences were extended to Councillor Victor Hughes and his wife Margaret who had suffered a bereavement recently. On the other hand, they had received good news upon being grandparents once again.


Condolences were also extended to any Member of the Council or staff who had suffered bereavement. Members and Officers stood in silent tribute as a mark of their respect.