Agenda item

Other Matters

13.1  11C554C/LB – The Sail Loft, Amlwch Port

13.2  12C266K – ABC Power Marine, Gallows Point, Beaumaris

13.3  39C285D – Lon Gamfa, Menai Bridge


13.1  11C554C/LB – Listed building application for alterations and extensions to The Sail Loft, Amlwch Port


The Planning Development Manager reported that the above application will be forwarded to the Welsh Government for determination in accordance with Regulation 13 of Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


It was RESOLVED to note the report.


13.2  12C266K – Retrospective planning application for alterations to the roof design and general amendments to units 2 to 5 at A.B.C. Power Marine, Gallows Point, Beaumaris


The Planning Development Manager reported that the application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the Council is the land owner.  The Planning and Orders Committee approved the application in June 2013.


The application related to units 2-5 only and did not include unit 1 as stated in the report to the Committee in June 2013.  A minor amendment to the design of unit 1 was approved by the local authority in 2011.  A new legal agreement will be required as opposed to a variation of the existing legal agreement completed in relation to planning permission 12C266C.  The wording of the proposed obligation has also been amended that any goods for sale or provision of services shall be mainly related to boating, maritime or angling purposes.


Councillor K.P. Hughes proposed that the amendment to the application be approved and Councillor R.O. Jones seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


13.3  39C285D – Full application for the erection of 17 dwellings on land at Lon Gamfa, Menai Bridge


The Planning Development Manager reported that the Planning and Orders Committee held in April, 2014 resolved to refuse the amendment to the resolution previously made in respect of the affordable dwellings contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.  In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution the application will be automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow the Officer’s to respond to the reasons given for approving the application.


The Planning and Orders Committee at its meeting in November, 2013 approved the application subject to a requirement that 6 of the units be affordable at 85%.  The planning application is made for 17 dwellings and 30% affordable units would equate to 5.1.  Following discussion with Officers it was agreed that the number of affordable housing units required in connection with the development was reduced to 3.  The Council’s Affordable Housing Advisor was consulted following Members recent decision and has advised given the estimated sales value of the completed dwelling at £116,000 and the estimated profit securing 3 affordable dwellings at 85% market value is considered a successful outcome. 


The Planning Development Manager further stated that the applicant has stated that he will appeal the decision of the Committee to refuse the application.  It was stated that the Planning Officer and the Affordable Housing Advisor were unable to represent the Council in such an appeal. 


Following deliberations it was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.






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