Agenda item

Applications Arising

7.1  22C40A – Cae Maes Mawr, Llanddona


7.2  29LPA996/CC – Maes Maethlu, Llanfaethlu


7.3  46C38S/ECON – Sea Shanty House, Lôn St.Ffraid, Trearddur Bay



7.1   22C40A - Full application for the demolition of existing dwelling and garage, together with the erection of a replacement dwelling and garage, stables, installation of a package treatment plant and alterations to the vehicular access at Cae Maes Mawr, Llanddona


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it had been called in to the Committee by two of the Local Members. A site visit was held on 18th June, 2014.


Having declared an interest in this application Mr John Alun Rowlands, Highways Technician withdrew from the meeting during the discussion thereon.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the Committee were minded to refuse the application contrary to Officer’s recommendation, and the application is now before Committee to be reconsidered. The Officer stated that the Planning Department have responded to reasons for the refusal, but continue to recommend approval of the application.


A Local Member, Councillor Carwyn Jones asked the Committee to adhere to the decision taken at the last meeting and refuse the application for the following reasons:-


  Llanddona Community Council is unanimously against erecting a large house with 5 en-suite bedrooms; 

  The proposed development is within an AONB area;

  Planning Policy Wales states that the AONB should have the same status as the National Parks in terms of scenic landscapes; 

  The site is visible from Traeth Coch looking towards Llanddona;

  The Welsh Government state that Local Members are under pressure to do everything within their powers to protect areas within the AONB;

  This application is 87% larger than the existing dwelling;

  The beach is a Blue Flag beach.


Councillor Jones re-affirmed  that the Community Council were not against developing the site, but stated that any new dwelling should be in keeping with the area and within the AONB designation.


Councillor Lewis Davies, as a Local Member gave a summary of his proposal from the last meeting to support the decision as it stands and refuse to redevelop due to the scale, height and design of the development. He emphasised that he was not against developing the site, but suggested that the design and scale of the proposed development be amended and re-submitted. He stated that the views of Llanddona Community Council were important as they represented local people and the community.


Councillor Davies further stated that the Council’s AONB Officer raised concerns about the visual effect from the beach and coastal path. The coastal path is very important to tourism and gives the impression that the door is open to any development in this conservation area.  The developer stated that the proposal was 40% bigger than the original dwelling, but according to the Committee’s estimation, it was more than 90%. Councillor Davies referred to the potential for further landslides due to erosion in the area, and stated that every application should be examined in detail. He further stated that the AONB, according to Welsh Government guidelines, should be afforded the same status as National Parks. Councillor Davies asked the Committee to adhere to the same decision they made at the previous meeting and refuse the proposal.


Councillor John Griffith stated that he was not against developing the site, but objected to the size of the new dwelling, which was dramatically larger.


Councillor Victor Hughes proposed that the application be accepted and Councillor Ken Hughes seconded by the proposal.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the application be refused and Councillor Raymond Jones seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to reaffirm the decision to refuse the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation and for the same reasons as stated previously.


7.2    29LPA996/CC – Outline application for the erection of 5 dwellings on land at Maes Maethlu, Llanfaethlu


The application was presented to the Committee as the County Council is the land owner.  At its meeting held on 4th June, 2014, the Planning and Orders Committee resolved to visit the site prior to making a determination. The site visit was undertaken on 18 June, 2014.


Councillor Ken Hughes, a Local Member proposed to defer the application, to enable further discussion to take place between the Council and the local community, in respect of the access to the site.


As a Local Member, Councillor John Griffith seconded the proposal of deferment.


The Planning Development Manager referred to discussions that had taken place at the previous meeting.  He cited that Members were clear from a planning policy perspective, and the application could be dealt with at the meeting. He stated that as far as the Officers were concerned, there was no reason why the application could not be approved.


Councillor Victor Hughes proposed that the Committee make a decision to approve or refuse the proposal, and stated that he was not against developing the site just the outline planning application. The proposal was not seconded.


It was RESOLVED to defer the application in order to allow the applicant to discuss the proposal with the local community.


7.3   Full application for the erection of a restaurant on land adjacent to Sea Shanty House, Lon St Ffraid, Trearddur Bay


At its meeting held on 4th June, 2014, the Planning and Orders Committee resolved to refuse planning permission, contrary to Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out below.  A site visit was carried out on the 18th June.


A report has been submitted by the Head of Planning Service in response to the two main reasons for the refusal in accordance with the Council’s protocol.


1.  In response to the risk of flooding, the Planning Development Manager stated that National Planning Policy permits this sort of development in such areas. The development meets with justification criteria, and the statutory consultees on flood risk issues were happy with the proposal. The Officer explained that without contravening information it would be very difficult to appeal.


2.  The Planning Development Manager referred to the loss of available parking spaces that would create highway problems in the vicinity. The Officer explained that the extensive part of the development would be on the sand dunes, and not the car park. He stated that it would be unlikely that overflow from the car park would happen very often; there is parking control in the area; there are other car parks available.


The Planning Development Manager expressed his concerns that if an appeal for non-determination or refusal of permission was lodged, the Planning Officers were not confident they could defend a decision on appeal.


The Planning Development Manager referred to a letter from the applicant, which had not been received in time to be included on the agenda. The Officer read out the letter to the Committee.


A Local Member, Councillor Jeff Evans referred to the report from the previous meeting and raised the following issues:-


  The proposed site is on a flood plain;

  The area outside and adjacent to the Sea Shanty is problematic with car parking availability already causing dangers on the road;

  lncreased usage of the main road is already causing major difficulties with the amount of traffic that utilise the area;

  There are no, or very infrequent traffic wardens in the vicinity.


He stated that he believed the situation has not changed since the original proposal was submitted, and the problem of cars parking on the main road will increase further should the application be granted. He proposed to adhere to the previous decision taken to refuse the application.


Councillor Trevor Lloyd Hughes addressing the Committee as a Local Member stated that he was not in attendance at last meeting, but agreed with the reasons for refusing the application. Councillor Hughes questioned whether the site was suitable for building and stated that Natural Resources Wales were satisfied with the proposal.


Councillor Hughes referred to a report by an independent consultant, Brian Killngworth Ltd dated March, 2008. Mr Killingworth was responsible for carrying out the consultation on the field opposite the car park and quoted ‘there is no evidence that the existing and proposed coastal defence works are designed to withstand a 1 in 1000 year storm event and it is clear that the application site would remain vulnerable from flooding even from a 1 in 50 year storm as experienced in February, 2002’. The Council’s Highways Department agrees that the car park does experience surface water problems.


Councillor Hughes stated that the Council’s Highways Department agrees that the car park does hold water. Should this fail, then the water would flow into the road. He referred to the removal of sand dunes, which would create further flooding problems. Councillor Hughes stated that he was in agreement with the decision taken at the last meeting.


Councillor Ken Hughes proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Richard O Jones seconded the proposal of approval.


Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be refused and Councillor Raymond Jones seconded the proposal of refusal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.

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