Agenda item

Applications Arising

7.1 14C135A – Glasfryn, Tyn Lon


7.2 19C1046C/LB – Soldiers Point, Holyhead


7.3 33C302 – Penffordd, Gaerwen


7.4 44C294B – Plas Newydd, Rhosybol


7.1 14C135A – Full application for the erection of a dwelling and private garage, creation of a new vehicular access together with the installation of a package treatment plant on land adjacent to Glasfryn, Tyn Lon


The Planning Development Manager reported  that at its previous meeting held on 5th March, 2014, the Committee had resolved to visit the application site to assess the proposal and in particular the proposed access to the site, before making its determination. The Highways Authority had objected to the access as originally proposed due to substandard visibility. The site visit was carried out on 19th March, 2014. In the interim and further to discussions with the Highways Authority a revised access proposal was submitted in order to overcome the highway safety objection to the scheme and that is now the subject of consultation until the 10th April. Members were apprised of the revised proposal on site. The Highways Authority confirms that it has subsequently withdrawn its objection to the proposal. The recommendation is therefore one of approval subject to no new issues arising before the expiry of the consultation period and subject to a Section 106 agreement as detailed in the written report.


Councillor Nicola Roberts proposed that the application be approved and her proposal was seconded by Councillor Kenneth Hughes.

It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the expiry of the consultation period and to no new issues arising which have not already been considered in the determination of the application; subject to a section 106 agreement to limit the occupancy of the dwelling to local persons in affordable housing needs in accordance with Policy PT2 requirements and subject to any additional requirements  in relation to access arrangements and to the conditions listed in the written report.


7.2       19C1046C/LB – Application for listed building consent for demolition of part of the house at Soldiers Point, Holyhead


The Planning Development Manager reported that the Committee at its meeting on 5th March resolved that a site visit should take place prior to determining the application and that the site was subsequently visited on 19th March, 2014. The Welsh Government’s Arson Reduction Team has visited the site and notes that the subject building allows access to the main house. The team recommends that demolition of the subject building will in the long-term safeguard the main house. The Officer said that since the report was drafted  responses have also been received from the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales; the Georgian Group; Gwynedd Archaeological Trust along with the Council’s Conservation Officer to the effect that they are satisfied with the proposal. It is not considered that the proposed demolition will have an adverse effect on the special architectural or historical importance of the building and will contribute to improving the security of the site and the survival of the original house. The recommendation is therefore one of approval subject to no adverse observations being received from CADW.


Councillor Robert Llewelyn Jones speaking as a Local Member requested that the Planning Authority inform the Local Members of how the demolition process will be effected.


Councillor Jeff Evans said that he was happy to support the application given the circumstances and also given the need to maintain the fabric of the original house, and he proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Richard Owain Jones seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to no adverse observations being made by CADW and subject to the conditions listed in the written report. (Councillor Ann Griffith did not vote on the matter account of her not being present on the site visit)


7.3       33C302 – Full application for change of use from a dwelling (C3) into a part (A3) hot food takeaway and part (C3) dwelling together with the creation of additional parking at Penffordd, Gaerwen


The application was initially submitted to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of the Local Member. At its meeting held on 5th March, 2014 the Planning and Orders Committee resolved to visit the site prior to making a determination. The site visit was undertaken on 19th March, 2014.


Mr Elfed Williams addressed the Committee in support of the application and he made the following points –


·         The application has been amended and modified over the course of the past six months following consultation with Planning officers.

·         The Officers accept that the access and layout as amended in providing parking for 7 vehicles are acceptable and that there is sufficient space within the curtilage of the application site for vehicles to manoeuvre.

·         The question is whether there are any dangers arising in terms of highway safety and whether there is evidence of such dangers. The applicant’s view is that there is no such evidence that can be corroborated or defended.

·         The application has been carefully scrutinised by Officers and is deemed acceptable.

·         There are no dangers arising that can be proven; neither are there any policy, technical or legal reasons for rejecting the application.

·         There have been no objections by any public body or by North Wales Police.

·         The report makes it clear that the Highways Authority considers that refusal on appeal would be difficult to sustain.


The Planning Development Manager said that as regards the proposal’s effect on surrounding properties, the application site is situated in a commercial area of the village and it is considered unlikely that the proposal will generate unacceptable amenity effects. The parking arrangements have been modified following discussions with the Highways Authority and no objection is raised on highway safety grounds. The Officer confirmed that there are no objections from North Wales Police and that there are no grounds for objection in terms of land use. The recommendation is therefore one of approval.


Councillor Victor Hughes, a Local Member whilst acknowledging the Highways and Planning Officer’s professional views, pointed out that the application site is situated on a busy crossroads with two bus stops situated nearby. He believed that the bus stop located on the A5 would be used as a stopping area meaning that buses would have to stop on the public highway thus making the crossroads even more hazardous. Councillor Hughes said that he thought the proposed parking arrangements would be inadequate particularly on busier Friday and Saturday nights. He accepted that a takeaway provision in Gaerwen would on the other hand reduce the carbon footprint in the area and that some would welcome the provision.


Councillor Lewis Davies sought clarification of the Highways Authority’s position. The Senior Engineer (Development Control) explained that there were concerns regarding the original plans as they did not conform to technical requirements. The plans as amended are compliant and therefore there are no grounds for objection.


Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be approved and his

proposal was seconded by Councillor Nicola Roberts.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


7.4       44C294B - Full application for the erection of a 20kw wind turbine with a maximum hub height of 20.5m, a rotor diameter of 13.1m and a maximum vertical upright height of 27.1m on land at Plas Newydd, Rhosybol


     The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it has been decided that delegated powers will not be used in connection with wind turbine developments. The application site was visited by Members of the Planning and Orders Committee on 16th October, 2013.


Councillor Aled Morris Jones, a Local Member requested that the site be re-visited because of the time lapse since the previous site visit was undertaken and to allow Members to re-acquaint themselves with the topography of the area, and also  because this is an application for one wind turbine as opposed to the two turbines proposed under the original application. Councillor Jeff Evans supported the request for a site visit.


The Planning Development Manager clarified that there were no changes in terms of the dimensions of the proposed turbine from the previous application and that the only change was that the proposal was now for one turbine rather than two.


Councillor Victor Hughes deemed it unnecessary to re-visit the site and

Councillor Ann Griffith said that she shared that view. In a subsequent vote on

the matter Councillors Jeff Evans and Richard Owain Jones voted in favour of

re-visiting the application site whilst Councillors Lewis Davies, Ann Griffith, John Griffith, Victor Hughes and Nicola Roberts voted against undertaking a second site visit.


The Planning Development Manager said that as regards the principle of development, the proposal is supported by policy; the landscape and visual impact of the proposal has been assessed and it is considered the proposal will not have an unacceptable impact on the landscape. Whilst there are dwellings situated within the 500m separation distance between medium sized turbines and dwellings prescribed by the SPG for On Shore Wind Energy, because of the nature of the landscape and screening, it is not considered that there would be undue harm to those properties. The recommendation is therefore one of approval.


Some Members of the Committee had concerns regarding the cumulative effect of wind turbines in this area and they sought information about the total number of wind turbines that had been granted permission in the locality. Clarification was also sought regarding the proximity of the application site to the AONB and SSSI.


The Planning Development Manager explained that the cumulative impact has been taken into consideration by Planning Officers and an assessment made based on what is visible at the application site.


Councillor Jeff Evans said that there did not seem to be any evidence to justify refusing the application and he proposed that the application be approved. His proposal was seconded by Councillor Kenneth Hughes.


Councillor Aled Morris Jones drew attention to the reference made in the representations section of the written report to Trysglwyn Wind Farm and he pointed out that the report does not elaborate on the size or impact of Trysglwyn relative to the application. Neither does the report expand on the requirements of the SPG for On Shore Wind Energy in relation to the proximity of wind to turbines to dwellings. He said that in order to aid transparency, he believed it was important that Members should be informed of the number of  wind turbines in the area of the proposed development and their proximity to the application site, and he asked that Planning Officers consider this as standard practice for all such applications for the erection of wind turbines.


Councillor Nicola Roberts proposed that consideration of the application be deferred to allow the Officers to provide Members with the additional information as suggested by the Local Member. Councillor Lewis Davies seconded the proposal of deferral. In the subsequent vote, Councillors Lewis Davies, Ann Griffith, John Griffith, Richard Owain Jones, and Victor Hughes voted in favour of a deferral.


It was resolved to defer consideration of the application to allow Planning Officers to present the Committee with additional information regarding the number of other wind turbines in the area of the proposal as far as the Trysglwyn Wind Farm and their cumulative effect, along with the location and boundary of the AONB and SSSI relative to the application site.

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