Agenda item

Departure Applications

10.1 19C452E – Canada Gardens, London Road, Holyhead


10.2 27C95C – Plas Llanfigael, Llanfigael


10.3 33C125L – Cynlas, Gaerwen


10.1    19C452E – Outline application for the erection of 18 dwellings on land at Canada Gardens, London Road, Holyhead


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the approval of housing on the application site which is allocated to business use would be a departure from Policy 2 of the Ynys Môn Local Plan and Policies B2 and B4 of the Gwynedd Structure Plan.


The Planning Development Manager reported that whilst the application site is within the development boundary of Holyhead it has been allocated to business/industrial use in the Local Plan. However, an outline application for residential development of land at Canada Gardens was allowed on appeal in 2009 and the Officers are of the view that there has been no material change in the situation since that time that would lead to a different decision. If there has been any change it is that the local emphasis in relation to the location of industrial and/or business developments has become focussed out of town with the development of Parc Cybi. The business/employment designation of the application site was originally made in 1996. It is not considered that approval of the application would be detrimental to the Development Plan. There are no objections on technical grounds to the development by any of the statutory consultees and these matters were considered at appeal stage. The recommendation is to approve the application subject to a Section 106 agreement on the provision of affordable housing and a financial contribution towards the play area on London Road and maintenance arrangements for an acoustic fence.


Councillor R.Llewelyn Jones speaking as a Local Member voiced concerns regarding the traffic situation in and around the application site and he asked the Highways Officer to confirm that the Highways Authority is satisfied that no problems will arise as a result of the proposed development. The Senior Engineer (Development Control) confirmed that the application conforms to the technical requirements. The highways impacts of the proposal were scrutinised at appeal and the Inspector was satisfied that the concerns raised were not sufficient to warrant refusal which view accords with that of Highways Officers.


Councillor Jeff Evans said that he was not aware of any current business application or interest in the land in question. He sought clarification of what an affordable housing designation entailed in the circumstances. The Legal Services Manager said that a Local Authority standard Section 106 agreement for affordable housing stipulates that an affordable dwelling should not be sold for more than a specified percentage of the dwelling’s value on the open market subject to negotiations with the applicant based on the housing statistics within the area of the application.


Councillor Lewis Davies said that he believed the area to be suitable for such a development and that he thought it unlikely that the land would revert to a business use as business developments were concentrated out of town. Notwithstanding the traffic position, the Highways Officers are satisfied with the application. He proposed that the application be approved. His proposal was seconded by Councillor Victor Hughes.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to a Section 106 agreement on the provision of affordable housing, together with a financial contribution towards a play area on London Road and the conditions listed in the written report.


10.2    27C95C – Full application for the re-building of the fire damaged dwelling together with the erection of an extension at Plas Llanfigael, Llanfigael


The proposal has been reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is a departure from the Ynys Môn Local Plan which Officers are minded to approve.


The Planning Development Manager said that although the application represents a departure from both local and national planning policies, it is considered that there are extenuating circumstances in this case which warrant approval. The proposal redeems a statutory protected listed building and rejuvenates it for present and future generations in a way that re-creates the appearance of the original building. Neither is it considered that the proposal will have any detrimental effects on the amenities of the occupants of neighbouring properties. The proposal also entails a single storey rear extension the suitability of which has been considered in terms of design and appearance and is deemed acceptable.


Councillor Richard Owain Jones said that he believed it important that the fire damaged dwelling is re-built and he proposed that the application be approved. His proposal was seconded by Councillor Nicola Roberts.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the written report.


10.3    33C125L – Full application for the demolition of the existing garage, erection of a new dwelling which includes a balcony to the side together with the construction of a new vehicular access together with the retention of the access to the existing dwelling at Cynlas, Gaerwen


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it constitutes a departure from Local Plan Policy 53 and Gwynedd Structure Plan Policy A6.


The Planning Development Manager said that the application site is located outside the development plan boundary as defined under Policy 49 of the Local Plan but lies within the development boundary of the stopped UDP. Planning permission has previously been granted on the basis of the material weight give to the stopped UDP. The plot represents an underutilised part of the site and would be an infill plot rounding off the residential estate. Outline permission was granted in 2012 for a new bungalow together with a two storey dwelling on site in a similar configuration to that achieved under the current application. The precedent of a two story dwelling on site has therefore been accepted. No additional traffic impacts are created on the end of the cul-de-sac than were originally proposed. The recommendation is therefore one of approval.


Councillor Victor Hughes speaking as a Local Member said that local concerns regarding possible additional traffic impacts have been alleviated by an amendment to the access arrangements originally proposed. He questioned whether surface water drainage arrangements would be adequate to support the proposed new development. The Planning Development Manager said that drainage details remain under discussion.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Richard Owain Jones.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report and the resolution of drainage details and any additional conditions required.

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