Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1 15C116E – 3 Bythynnod Gwenllyr, Malltraeth


12.2 19C967C – Millbank Sports Facilities, Holyhead


12.3 22C40A – Cae Maes Mawr, Llanddona


12.4 34LPA121R/VAR/CC – Ysgol y Bont, Llangefni


12.5 38C237B – Careg y Daren, Llanfechell



12.1    15C115E – Full application for alterations and extensions at 3 Bythynnod Gwenllyr, Malltraeth


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


Councillor Peter Rogers addressed the Committee as a Local Member and he made the following points in support of the application –


·         The application site is in a very prominent position on the coastal road between Newborough and Aberffraw in the village of Malltraeth

·         Permission to develop the site which used to be a farm and land the buildings of which had become dilapidated was granted in the early 2000s.

·         The units on site have now been completed to a high standard and the application if approved, would complete the development and would enhance the area which is highly visible.

·         A letter of support has been received from the occupants of the original farmhouse who support the proposal on those grounds.

·         The extension on the scale proposed is required to provide additional bedrooms to allow for the provision of respite care for the family’s two autistic children who have benefited from staying in the countryside at weekends and during holidays.

·         A similar development has previously been allowed in the area in an isolated location wherein planning consent was given for 5 units. The principle of consistency applies.


Councillor Ann Griffith said that she was addressing the Committee as a Local Member to a statement made by the applicants, and that she would not be voting on the matter. She referred to the following considerations -


·         The current subject building is used as a workshop.

·         The applicants at present reside in a one bedroomed cottage with living room , kitchen and a bathroom

·         They have 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. Two of the boys are autistic which means they have behavioural needs.

·         The children reside with their grandparents at least three times in the week and separate arrangements are required to provide bedrooms for the two autistic boys to meet their behavioural needs; the granddaughter, and also an elderly aunt who will be moving to live with the family in the near future and for whom the applicants have caring responsibilities. It is important that she has privacy in order to promote her independence.

·         The applicant’s current residence is too small and necessitates making use of the living room for sleeping arrangements.

·         The proposal does not have any impacts on amenities and no objections have been raised. There are letters of support from neighbours.

·         The extension will add to and complete the complex of cottages

·         The proposal is one of 5 cottages and is one of 15 of a cluster of dwellings of different shapes and sizes. The Committee is asked to look positively on the application as it will enrich and benefit the family.


The Planning Development Manager whilst acknowledging the personal circumstances involved said that the key issues relate to land use and policy compliance. Policy 55 of the Ynys Môn Local Plan allows for minor extensions dependent on scale, location and design; however, the proposal will create an additional 255 square meters equating to nearly three times more than the existing building. Due to the scale of the proposal therefore, the Planning Section cannot support the application as it will impact on the current outbuildings and other outbuildings in the amenity where it will dominate the surrounding area. As there is no policy basis to the application, the recommendation is therefore one of refusal.


Members of the Committee sought clarification of the proposal within its context particularly in relation to an existing two storey building on site. The Planning Development Manager showed the Committee the site plans and confirmed that the proposal is situated within a complex of buildings most of which are single storey cottages but which does include a two storey dwelling. The development site also lies within an AONB.


Councillor Nicola Roberts proposed that a site visit be undertaken and her proposal was seconded by Councillor John Griffith. Councillor Lewis Davies said that he thought the application should be refused and he was seconded by Councillor Kenneth Hughes who cited contravention of planning policies and the scale of the proposal as grounds for objection.


Councillor Jeff Evans referred to the personal circumstances of the applicants and he said that he thought the planning process should have cognisance of real people and issues. The proposed extension is required to support two autistic children and a senior citizen and as such might need to be on a larger scale. He said that he supported the application because he believed it to be a needed commodity.


In the subsequent vote on the matter Councillors Lewis Davies, John Griffith, Victor Hughes, Richard Owain Jones and Nicola Roberts voted in favour of a site visit.

It was resolved that a site visit be undertaken in order for Members to view the proposal within the context of the complex and relative to the two storey unit already on site.


12.2    19C967C – Full application for alterations and extensions at Millbank Sports Facilities, Holyhead


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as is it is on Council owned land.


Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes clarified that he had not commented on the application as a Local Member as he had not been included in the consultation process which had been extended in error to the Elected Members of another area of Holyhead.


Councillor Richard Owain Jones proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor John Griffith.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.3    22C404A – Full application for the demolition of existing dwelling and garage, together with the erection of a replacement dwelling and garage, stables, installation of a package treatment plant and alterations to the vehicular access at Cae Maes Mawr, Llanddona.


The Planning Development Manager informed the Committee that since the written report was drafted, the observations of the Section’s Countryside Officer has been received. In light of the matters raised in the Officer’s comments, he asked the Committee to defer consideration of the application to allow those matters to be considered.


Councillor Victor Hughes proposed that consideration of the application be deferred and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Kenneth Hughes.


It was resolved to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reason given.


12.4    34LPA121R/VAR/CC – Application to vary condition (05) on planning permission LPA121Q/CC so as to change the flue colour from green to stainless steel at Ysgol y Bont, Llangefni


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee because the applicant is the Isle of Anglesey County Council.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Richard Owain Jones.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.5    338C237B – Outline application for the erection of a dwelling together with the construction of a vehicular access on land adjoining Careg y Daren, Llanfechell


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


Having declared an interest in the application, Councillor Kenneth Hughes withdrew from the meeting during the discussion thereon.

Councillor John Griffith, a Local Member referred to policy considerations and specifically Policy 50 of the Local Plan which permits an individual development on the periphery of a development area if it is reasonable and does not impact on the physical character of the area. He said that he accepted that the development of the village extends as far as the application site but that he believed it would be useful for Members to view the application site for themselves and to see its proximity to other dwellings in the vicinity. He proposed that a site visit be undertaken and Councillor Nicola Roberts seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to undertake a site visit in accordance with the request made by a Local Member for the reason given.

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