Agenda item

Other Matters

13.1 39C285D – Lon Gamfa, Menai Bridge


13.2 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON – Penrhos Coastal Park, Cae Glas & Kingsland, Holyhead


13.1    39C285D – Full application or the erection of 17 dwellings on land at Lon Gamfa, Menai Bridge


The Planning Development Manager reported that in accordance with the terms of the Section 106 agreement under which the application was originally approved, 6 affordable housing units were to be provided. Following the submission of information in relation to the viability of the proposed development and following consultation with the Council’s Affordable Housing Officer it was agreed that 3 affordable housing units will be provided thus reducing the original provision by three. Additionally it is proposed  that planning condition (23) on the original  consent be amended to the effect that a land contamination assessment be undertaken as the development proceeds instead of prior to the commencement of the development.


Councillor Jeff Evans queried why it is not possible for the developer to proceed with the original designation of 6 affordable housing units. Councillor John Griffiths said that he understood that a 30% affordable housing provision was required and that he was concerned that acceding to the reduction in the provision of affordable housing units on this application would set a precedent for developers in future. Councillor Nicola Roberts was agreed in opposing the reduction given that there was no corresponding reduction in the total number of housing units to be provided as part of the development. Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the amendment be rejected and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Richard Owain Jones.


The Legal Services Manager said in clarification that reducing the number of affordable housing units would not set a precedent because whilst the policy provides a guideline of 30% it does allow for flexibility to reflect the fact that different developments in different locations mean that due to local factors the affordable housing needs can vary meaning that the 30% provision cannot be insisted upon. The matter has been discussed with the Council’s Affordable Housing Officer and therefore there is a sound basis for the recommendation.

Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed that the amendment to planning condition (23) as described be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Jeff Evans.


It was resolved –


           To refuse the amendment to the Section 106 agreement regarding        the provision of affordable housing.

           To approve the amendment to Condition (23) of the planning      consent as set out in the written report.


13.2    46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON – Penrhos Coastal Park, Cae Glas and Kingsland, Holyhead


Correspondence by the Welsh Government dated 7 March, 2014 setting out its reasons for not calling in the application was presented for the Committee’s information. Members were asked to note that the detailed requirements of the planning obligation are now to be settled and the conditions finalised and that a report on these would be provided prior to the issuing of the planning decision.


Councillor R. Llewelyn Jones as a Local Member said that he wished it to be noted that the Minister for Housing and Regeneration in reaching his decision not to call in the application did not consider the merits of the proposed development and that Natural Resources Wales was of the view that the application should have been called in.


It was resolved to note the information.


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