Agenda item

Political Balance

To submit a report by the Interim Head of Democratic Services. - LATE REPORT


The report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services regarding political balance arrangements within the Council was presented for consideration.


It was reported that the Council needs to review the political balance arrangements on its committees following notice that one Member has ceased to be a member of the Independent Group, the subsequent formation of a new Revolutionist Group consisting of 2 Members and notice that 1 non-affiliated Member has joined the Independent Group. A revised matrix  which set out the entitlement of seats to each group and seats to non-affiliated Members in accordance with local convention as confirmed by the Council at its 5th December 2013 meeting was tabled at the meeting.


Councillor Aled Morris Jones pointed out that his designation as an unaffiliated Member is erroneus as he is a member of a national political group – the Welsh Liberal Democrats, and he requested that that be reflected in the matrix.


The Head of Function (Council Business) explained that the use of the terminology “unaffiliated” is drawn from the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and refers to the fact that Members for the purpose of political balance, are unaffiliated unless they are members of a group on the Council regardless of whether they are affiliated to a political party outside the Council. She suggested that the correction be minuted and an explanatory footnote added to the political balance matrix for future use. It was agreed that a footnote would be included in the standard matrix for future years explaining that unaffiliated means those not part of political groups represented on the Council.


Councillor Dylan Rees referred to the minutes of the Council’s meeting in December 2013 which reflected the fact that he had questioned the Leader on whether it was good practice to have both Labour Members on the Executive given that they were the only two Labour Councillors out of the Council’s total of thirty. The Leader had stated that he would provide a written response to the question and although that was not forthcoming, Councillor Rees confirmed he had discussed the matter with the Leader who had said that he wanted to ensure stability for a time before considering any changes as regards political balance. Councillor Rees asked since that was five months ago does the Leader now intend to take action regarding the lack of political balance on the Executive?


The Leader of the Council said that after having given the matter serious consideration he reaffirmed his belief in the importance of stability. He explained that the Independent and Labour groups had entered into a partnership and that as part of the partnership it was decided that the two Labour Members would serve on the Executive, and in that capacity they have made a valuable contribution. The Leader confirmed that he did not intend to make any changes at present.


It was resolved –


  To confirm the political balance arrangements and the number of seats allocated to each of the Groups under the Local Government 1989, and the number of seats given by custom and practice to the Members not subject to political balance as set out in the matrix.

  That in accordance with the above, the Council appoints unaffiliated Members to unallocated Committee seats and delegates to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Group Leaders to fill any casual vacancies to unaffiliated Members which may arise during the year.

  To confirm that where entitled, unaffiliated Members retain their current committee seats for the present and that Councillor Aled Morris Jones is appointed to the unallocated seat on the Indemnities Sub-Committee.

  That Group Leaders be requested to provide details of committee membership to the Interim Head of Democratic Services as soon as possible in accordance with the changes in membership noted in the report.

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