Agenda item

Future of the In-House DLO Housing Services and New Repairs Service

To submit a report by the Head of Housing Services.


Submitted – The report of the Head of Service (Housing Service) detailing a proposal  to  transform and modernise  the in-house DLO Housing Services with a view to establishing a new service model aimed at delivering an excellent repairs service following  a comprehensive options appraisal of the future of the service.  Based on the findings of the appraisal exercise the Head of Housing Services sought approval for Option 2.1.2 (retaining the service in-house, but merging the client and contractor teams into one repairs service whilst modernising and transforming the service) as the recommended option.


Councillor H.Eifion Jones, Portfolio Member for Finance put forward an amendment to the proposal based on adopting option 2.1.2 but with qualifying conditions viz. that the timeframe for completing the transformation project of the Housing Repairs Service be reduced from 3 to 2 years; that elements of options, 2.1.3, 2.1.5 and 2.1.8 be incorporated within the preferred option and that a review of progress be conducted within four months and a report presented to the Executive. The Leader proposed additional provisos to the effect that the restructuring does not expand the Repairs Service workforce; that the number of contractors currently deployed by the Service be reviewed with a view to reduction and that Performance Indicators for the Housing Repairs Service be incorporated within the Corporate Scorecard for performance monitoring purposes.  He also emphasised that the review of procurement arrangements which the report proposes as part of the approach to Value for Money needs to be undertaken and more stringent practices put in place.


The Leader reported to the Executive on the Corporate Scrutiny Committee’s deliberations on the matter from its 12 May meeting to the effect that the Corporate Scrutiny Committee had noted that it was not obliged to decide on a specific option, that it had considered the merits of option 2.1.3 and a combination of options 2.1.2 and 2.1.5 and had recommended that due to the complexity of the issue, it be offered to full Council for debate.


The Housing Technical Services Manager responded to the amendment from the Housing Service’s perspective.


The amendment was agreed by the Executive.


It was resolved to approve the recommended option of retaining the service in-house, but merging the client and contractor teams into one repairs services, whilst modernising and transforming the service, subject to the following conditions:


  That the aim should be to undertake and complete the transformation project of the Repairs Service within a 2 year timeframe


  That the recommended option also incorporates where feasible, elements of the following:


     Option 2.1.3  with reference to different structures of contracts

    Option 2.1.5 – outsourcing parts of the services

     Option 2.1.8 – a Lean Service model


  That the restructure does not entail an expansion of the Repairs Service workforce


  That the number of contractors deployed by the Repairs Service is reviewed with a view to reduction.


  That a review of the project be undertaken within four months and a progress report presented to the Executive.


  That performance indicators for the Housing Repairs Service be incorporated within the Corporate Scorecard.

Supporting documents: