Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1 29LPA996/CC – Maes Maethlu, Llanfaethlu


12.2 30C392A – Public Car Park and adjoining Open Land, Ffordd Bangor, Min yr Afon, Benllech


12.3 32LPA920A/CC – Ysgol y Tywyn, Llanfihangel yn Nhowyn


12.4 46C535 – South Stack Public Conveniences, South Stack, Holyhead





12.1    29LPA996/CC Outline application for the erection of 5 dwellings on land at Maes Maethlu, Llanfaethlu


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is on Council owned land.


The Planning Development Manager reported that since the written report was drafted, the department has received a petition with 59 signatories, a letter of objection along with alternative plans commissioned by the community. The principal issues relate to policy compliance and landscape impacts. The application site is considered suitable for development from a policy perspective and the proposal will reflect existing development and will have a neutral effect on the designated AONB. The recommendation is to approve the application.


Councillor Llinos Huws addressing the Committee as a Local Member said that all the residents of Maes Maethlu have signed the petition in opposition to the current proposal regarding which they have strong concerns in relation to design and parking arrangements. They do not object to the principle of development on the site but feel that the design is inappropriate as regards how it utilises the site and as regards parking provision. Consequently the residents have commissioned alternative plans which Councillor Huws proceeded to describe. She also raised the issue of affordable housing provision and expressed concern that only two of the 5 dwellings proposed under the application are designated as affordable housing which she felt was insufficient in terms of meeting the affordable housing need on the Island. She requested the Committee to visit the site and to view the alternative plans.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that a site visit be undertaken and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Raymond Jones.


Councillor John Griffith asked that the community’s alternative plans be made available to the Committee. The Planning Development Manager advised the Committee that it must deal with the application as presented.


It was resolved that the site be visited in accordance with the request made by a Local Member.


12.2    30C392A – Erection of a two storey primary care centre together with ancillary car parking, open space, landscaping and new vehicular access on the Public Car Park and adjacent open land, Bangor Road, Min yr Afon, Benllech


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as part of the site is in Council ownership.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the main issues relate to the principle of development, highways issues and amenity issues. The application site is located within the settlement boundary for Benllech in both the Local Plan and the stopped UDP .It is well located to minimise demand for private transport and it is a form of development that will help serve the health needs of the community whilst utilising previously developed land. The contemporary design of the proposed building is considered suited to this location and, given its relation with and distance from nearby residential properties it is not considered that there will be undue harm to the amenities of their occupiers. There are no highways objections to the proposal and there are plans to improve the parking provision at the nearby Library which will ameliorate the loss of any space on the present site. The Officer said that should the application be approved it is proposed that the following 3 additional conditions be attached to the consent –


           That a traffic management scheme be implemented whilst the development is in progress.

           That there be close management of the use of external lighting on the building

           The use of tinted glass where appropriate to prevent overlooking of nearby buildings.


Councillor Ieuan Williams speaking as a Local Member said that the plans for a primary care centre in the area have been in the offing for five years and that the centre is a much needed asset in the area. The current situation is unsustainable and with the increase in the population of Benllech there has been pressure on the community to have a health care centre. The location is within the development boundary of the Local Plan and stopped UDP and so the principle of development is satisfied.


Councillor Raymond Jones proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Victor Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report and the three additional conditions outlined at the meeting.


12.3    32LPA920A/CC – Full application for the siting of a mobile classroom at Ysgol y Tywyn, Llanfihangel yn Nhowyn


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is submitted by and on behalf of the Council on Council owned land.


The Planning Development Manager said that the Planning Authority considers it acceptable to grant permission for a temporary period of five years.


Councillor Victor Hughes proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Lewis Davies seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report and to no adverse representations being received by the end of the notification period.


12.4    46C535 – Full application for the conversion of the public conveniences to a residential dwelling together with extensions thereto at South Stack Public Convenience, South Stack, Holyhead


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the site is within the Council’s ownership.


Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor Lewis Davies.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.

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