Agenda item

Other Matters

13.1 26C20E – Fferm Frigan, Brynteg


13.2  30C490C – Beach Road, Benllech


13.3 37C174E – Tre Ifan, Brynsiencyn


13.4 44C305C/RE – Tre Wyn, Maenaddwyn


13.1   26C20E - Erection of one 80kw wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 19.4m. rotor diameter of up to a maximum of 18m and a maximum upright vertical height of up to 28.4m on land at Frigan Farm, Brynteg


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it has been resolved that all applications for such development be brought to the Committee.


The Development Control Manager informed the Committee that an appeal against non-determination of the application had been lodged. If the appeal had not been lodged, the application would have been recommended for refusal as there are concerns regarding the harm it would cause to the landscape.


It was resolved to note the information and to support the Officers in opposing the appeal.


13.2   30C490C - Full application for the demolition of existing hotel and erection of 18 new apartments and associated site works at Beach Road, Benllech


The matter was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee because of proposed changes to the legal agreement and planning conditions and because of the time that has elapsed since the application was originally approved.


The Development Control Manager reported that the application was approved by the Planning and Orders Committee in July, 2006 subject to the applicant completing a legal agreement requiring that 6 of the proposed 18 new apartment units were affordable in accordance with the Council’s SPG on Affordable Housing based on a percentage requirement of 30%. The applicant did not complete the legal agreement due to viability issues in connection with the development and the provisions of 6 affordable housing units. The former hotel has since remained in a state of disrepair. Discussions have been held with the Council’s Affordable Housing Advisor and it is proposed that the terms of the legal agreement be amended so that the affordable housing provision is made in the form of a financial contribution by the developer to the Council in accordance with the obligation set out in the written report. This has the advantages of allowing the development to proceed thereby improving the site as well as ensuring there is a financial benefit to the Council for use for affordable housing needs on the Island.


Councillor Jeff Evans raised the point of whether the value of the financial contribution stipulated adequately reflects the potential value of the completed development. Councillors Nicola Roberts and John Griffith sought clarification of how the financial contribution made by the developer would be used and where. The Legal Services Manager said that the contribution will be made to the Head of Housing Services to be used for the purpose of fulfilling other plans for affordable housing.

Councillor Nicola Roberts proposed that the proposed changes be approved and her proposal was seconded by Councillor Vaughan Hughes.


It was resolved to approve the changes to the legal agreement on the planning permission as set out in the written report and that the planning permission is thereafter issued with the conditions listed in the report. (Councillor Jeff Evans did not vote on the matter because he would have wished to have known the potential cost of the properties, and whether the development would have been approved if a monetary value to the gain of the Council had not been attached)


13.3   37C174E - Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the erection of an agricultural shed to house livestock together with an extension to the existing shed on land at Tre-Ifan, Brynseincyn


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee because the applicant is the son of a Local Member. The report has been scrutinised by the Monitoring Office in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.


The Development Control Manager reported that it was determined that the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority was not required for the development and that it constituted permitted development.


It was resolved to note the information.


13.4   44C305C/RE – Full application for the erection of on one 15kw wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 15.43m, a maximum rotor diameter of up to 13.1m, and a maximum upright vertical tip height of up to 21.97m on land at Tre Wyn, Maenaddwyn


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it has been resolved that all applications for such development be brought to the Committee.


The Development Control Manager informed the Committee that an appeal against non-determination of the application had been lodged. If the appeal had not been lodged, the application would have been recommended for refusal as there are concerns regarding the harm it would cause to the landscape.


It was resolved to note the information and to support the Officers in opposing the appeal.

Supporting documents: