Agenda item

New Nuclear Build at Wylfa - Supplementary Planning Guidance

(a)          To submit the following extract from the minutes of the Executive held on 14th July, 2014 :-


“ It was resolved to recommend the new Nuclear Build (NNB) Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) to the County Council at its meeting in July, 2014.”


(b)          To submit a report by the Corporate Director (Sustainable Development) and other Senior Officers in relation to the above.


Additional Background Papers :-



Submitted – a report by the Corporate Director (Sustainable Development) and other Senior Officers in relation to the above.


The Corporate Director (Sustainable Development) introduced Mr. Christian Branch, Mr. Gareth Hall (Energy Island) and Mr. Alex Melling (AMEC Environment & Infrastructure) to the meeting. 


The Corporate Director stated that given the scale, complexity and timescales of the proposed New Nuclear Build, the preparation and adoption of the SPG is a priority activity for the County Council.  The SPG will contribute towards ensuring that the potential known impacts of the New Nuclear Build and its associated developments are identified, avoided, mitigated and compensated where possible and that the socio-economic benefits associated with the construction and operation of the power station are fully realised. 


The preparation of the SPG has been co-ordinated by the Economic and Community Regeneration Service under the guidance of a number of County Council Senior Officers.  AMEC Environment & Infrastructure (the County Council’s providers of multi-disciplinary support and expertise) have been responsible for drafting the document.  Resources to fund the preparation of the SPG have been secured through the Planning Performance Agreement with Horizon Nuclear Power.    


The Principal Development Officer (Strategy) gave a slide presentation to the County Council.  He referred to the project wide guiding principles which were contained within the report and the 7 Zones identified which seek to guide the New Nuclear Build related developments to Anglesey’s largest settlements along key transport corridors.  Mr. Alex Melling noted that formal consultation on the SPG commenced in February 2014 and a total of 52 individual responses received.  The nature of the comments was included within the report.


The Chair of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee informed the meeting of the main issues raised at the Scrutiny Committee.


Issues raised by Members in respect of the following :-


·           The effect on the Welsh language and heritage of the Island.  The Officers responded that Horizon Nuclear Power has agreed in principle to co-fund a secondee from the Welsh Government’s Welsh Language Unit to develop appropriate integration and mitigation measures.


·           The effect on small local businesses on the Island and potential difficulties in retaining staff during the construction of the new nuclear site. The Officers responded that Coleg Menai and Bangor University will lead on the skills development programme to enable local companies to be able to compete for work during construction of the Wylfa site;


·           The effect on housing i.e. rented and social housing.  It was noted that the Council has done a lot of work in respect of the demand for construction workers accommodation and the effect it may have on tourism, housing market and rented accommodation. 


·           Concerns about the storage of nuclear waste.  The Officer responded that the principles of new nuclear developments, including the storage of nuclear waste, were outside the scope of the New Nuclear Build SPG.


·           Questions raised whether adequate safety/evacuation procedures are in place for the residents of the Island if a major incident occurred at Wylfa.  The Officers responded that highways infrastructure will need to be evaluated in respect of this matter.


RESOLVED that the County Council :-


·           Notes the purpose, scope and principles of the New Nuclear Build at Wylfa Supplementary Planning Guidance;


·           Recognises the role of the County Council in the statutory consenting process for the proposed New Nuclear Build;


·           Supports and formally adopts the New Nuclear Build at Wylfa Supplementary Planning Guidance.



There were 4 abstentions.

Supporting documents: