Agenda item

Response to the White Paper on Local Government Reform

To submit a report by the Chief Executive. - TO FOLLOW


Submitted – a report by the Chief Executive.


The Chief Executive gave a background report on the White Paper on Local Government Reform.    He noted that a Task and Finish Group was established in August 2014 to discuss the implications for Anglesey in the Government’s proposals and having already declared its response to the Williams Commission recommendations on the case for public service reform.   The Group has met on two occasions to date and has scrutinized in detail all the relevant documentation, the presentations made by Senior Officers, together with the emerging views within the region and on a national basis. 


A Seminar was held for all Members of the Council on 18 September, 2014 which provided information regarding the Government White Paper on Local Government Reform and to raise awareness of key issues to be addressed from an Anglesey prospective. 


The Chief Executive gave details of the advantages and disadvantages of becoming an early adopting Authority in respect of a proposal to merge.


Members of the County Council raised the following main issues :-


  They were not convinced that there would be benefits to mergers and would answer the financial cuts by local authorities across Wales;

  The views of the residents of the Island should be paramount and consideration should be given to holding a Referendum on the viewpoints of the electorate in respect of the propose merger with a neighbouring authority;

  Voluntary merger would have huge cost implications;

  Staff implications;

  Possible Council Tax increase for the residents of Anglesey due to merger.


The Council consider the recommendations of the report and approved 7.1 to 7.4.


In respect of recommendation whether to enter into a voluntary merger with one or more authorities, a recorded vote was taken under the provisions of of the Constitution. 


The recorded vote was as follows :-


Not to declare an expression of interest in an early adopted or a merged Authority :-


Councillors R.A. Dew, Jeff M. Evans, Ann Griffith, John Griffith, D.R. Hughes, K.P. Hughes, T.Ll. Hughes, T.V. Hughes, Vaughan Hughes, W.I. Hughes, Llinos M. Huws, A.M. Jones, G.O. Jones, H.E. Jones, Raymond Jones, R.Ll. Jones, R. Meirion Jones, R.O. Jones, Alun Mummery, Bob Parry OBE, Dylan Rees, J. Arwel Roberts, Alwyn Rowlands, D.R. Thomas, Ieuan Williams.                                                                                             TOTAL 25


Against the recommendation :-

Councillor P.S. Rogers                                                                   TOTAL 1


Abstentions :                                                                                   NIL




  To request further information from Welsh Ministers regarding the options available for consideration by this Council, before determining its position on proposals for merger with other Authorities and, in particular, to seek better clarity around the financial incentives to become an early adopter Authority and, to that end, request that the Minister of Public Services be invited to a meeting of the Full Council to discuss these matters at his earliest convenience.


  That in its response to the series of questions raised in the White Paper on Local Government Reform :-


   • The Council draws attention to its previous response to the Williams Commission Report which covers most of the issues to which the consultees are invited to respond;


   • The Council endorses the response to the consultation produced by WLGA and presented to the WLGA Council on 26 September, 2014.


  That the Council authorises the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive to engage in formal discussions at local, regional and national level to promote the interests of Anglesey citizens, with partner organisations, as the agenda for reform develops and to report on the outcome of these discussions, as appropriate, to Council through the Task and Finish Group, the Group Leaders meetings and the Senior Leadership Team of officers with a view to making a formal presentation to Council for determination prior to implementing any discussions.


  That the Leader and Chief Executive are authorized to establish effective communication and community engagement strategies to gain the views of the citizens and communities of Anglesey prior to the Council adopting its standpoint on Local Government Reform and its implications for Anglesey.


   That the Council, having given proper consideration to the matters outlined in Section 6 of the report, resolved not to declare an expression of interest in an early adopted or a merged Authority, by the closing date of 28 November, 2014.

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