Agenda item

Schools Modernisation - Holyhead Area

To submit a report by the Director of Lifelong Learning.


The report of the Director of Lifelong Learning regarding the outcome of the formal consultation process on the proposal to merge the three schools of Ysgol Parchedig Thomas Ellis, Ysgol Llaingoch and Ysgol y Parc in a new building on the Cybi site and that the proposed new school should be a Voluntary Controlled Church in Wales school was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


Having declared an interest in this matter, Councillor J. Arwel Roberts withdrew from the meeting during the discussion thereon.


The Director of Lifelong Learning reported on the principal issues that had arisen during the consultation process in relation to health and safety linked to the size of the proposed new school; traffic, transportation and road safety; class sizes; the adequacy and suitability of the Cybi site for the school proposed and the proposed status of the new school, and he explained how the Authority had responded to those issues.


Councillors Jeff Evans and R. Llewelyn Jones spoke as Local Members. The former notwithstanding his reservations regarding the conduct of the consultation process, the merger of 3 rather than 2 schools and  the outstanding traffic issues that remained to be resolved, said that he recognised the proposal as the only and best way forward in the circumstances. The latter questioned the Executive’s Members on the extent of their familiarity with the Cybi site as the proposed new school site, and highlighted the absence of a Business Plan on which he believed the decision should be based.


The Director of Lifelong Learning said that the original consultation report did make reference to the figures involved in building the new school along with the revenue savings to be made from a three school merger. When adopting the Strategic Outline Plan the Executive resolved that every Business Plan would be presented for approval by the Executive. He confirmed that the Business Plan will therefore be presented to the Executive at the earliest opportunity and it will have to demonstrate both to the Executive and the Welsh Government that the proposal provides value for money.


The Chair confirmed that the decision taken today is in relation to the model and the site.


Members of the Executive gave their views on the matter. Clarification was sought and was provided by the Director of Lifelong Learning in relation to issues regarding the timing of road improvement works in around the new school site; provision for parents to exempt their children from collective worship arrangements should they wish; provision for SEN and ensuring a distinct identity for the new school as separate from the secondary school nearby.


The Chair said that he advocated the setting up of a stakeholder group to provide input at the design stage and in relation to traffic management and school travel plans. He would also wish to see the establishment of as much green areas as possible in the environs of the new school.


It was resolved that the three schools – Ysgol Parchedig Thomas Ellis, Ysgol Llaingoch and Ysgol Y Parc – be merged in a new school building on the Cybi site, and that the proposed new school will be Voluntary Controlled Church in Wales school.

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