Agenda item

Single Integrated Plan (Gwynedd & Ynys Môn) and Proposed Joint Local Service Board Scrutiny arrangements

To submit a report by the Senior Partnership Manager Gwynedd & Môn.


Submitted – a report by the Senior Partnership Manager Gwynedd and Môn.


The Senior Partnership Manager reported that the Gwynedd and Ynys Môn Services Board had made a number of significant decisions relating to its future vision and strategic direction. At the last meeting of the LSB held on 26 September, 2014 consideration was given to the following :-


  Draft set of operating principles to underpin the functioning and work of the Board;

  Some underpinning partnership values;

  A draft terms of reference;

  Key shared priorities for delivery over the next 2 years;

  TOP 10 LSB issues on the radar.


The emerging LSB three key shared priorities are :-


     Key Priority 1 – Older People

     Key Priority 2 – Dysfunctional Families

     Key Priority 3 – Sustainable Communities/Community Regeneration


with three underpinning Enablers - Technology, Language and Culture and Engagement.


Subject to LSB approval on 28 November, the next step would be to further develop each of the work-streams giving particular consideration to the following :-


  Desired organisational outcomes per Key Priority and Enabler for each LSB partner over the next 2 years;

  Evidence base for each Priority/Enabler;

  Contribution of LSB partners to each work-stream;

  Delivery structure and governance under the Local Services Board to progress each Key Priority and Enabler.


The Officer further reported that one current prioritised work-stream was that of further developing elected member scrutiny arrangements underpinning the work of the Gwynedd and Ynys Môn Local Services Board. The principle objective had been to consider how to further develop robust scrutiny arrangements, providing an appropriate level of challenge to the Board, jointly across both Counties to reflect the mandate of the LSB.  In light of Elected Member support of both Ynys Môn and Gwynedd Councils, work had progress in developing joint LSB scrutiny arrangements :-


  Multi-agency Task & Finish Project Group had been established. Its membership included Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, North Wales Fire & Rescue, North Wales Police, Snowdonia National Park, Local Authorities.  The Group was currently negotiating 3rd sector representation;

  Initial options paper had been developed outlining the possible joint scrutiny models to be considered by Elected Members;


  Negotiated input and mentoring by the Centre for Public Scrutiny throughout the process of developing the joint scrutiny arrangements for Ynys Môn and Gwynedd.


It was further reported that the next steps in the joint scrutiny work-stream would focus on:


  Finalising the options appraisal paper giving consideration to the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed scrutiny model;

  Submitting joint scrutiny arrangement proposals for consideration by the Elected Member scrutiny committees of both Local Authorities early in the New Year. (Proposals to include a full options appraisal for each model);

  Seeking 3rd Sector input to the Options Appraisal of the scrutiny models.


Issues raised by Members :-


  Members referred to the specific responsibilities of LSBs and queried any powers the Local Services Board had to ensure that appropriate governance and performance management arrangements were in place to implement improvements, that mangers and front line staff across agencies were working together effectively and that agreed priorities were reflected in individual organisations’ corporate plans. The Senior Partnerships Manager responded by referring to arrangements that were in place by Welsh Government through statutory guidance – Shared Purpose, Shared Delivery. The Board was not currently a statutory function but would become statutory following enactment of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Bill (from April, 2016).


  Questions were also posed as to how 3rd Sector interests would be represented in the proposed joint LSB scrutiny arrangements. The Senior Partnerships Manager responded by clarifying that negotiations were ongoing with 3rd sector representative bodies in both Gwynedd and Ynys Môn. The outcome of these

dialogues would be reflected in the proposals to be submitted for Elected Member consideration early in the New Year.




  Accept the report and support the Local Services Board proposed key priorities and enablers as outlined in the report.


  Note progress to date and proposed next steps in developing elected member joint scrutiny arrangements underpinning the work of the LSB.


ACTION :  A report be submitted to the next meeting of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee outlining an appraisal of possible scrutiny models for developing joint LSB scrutiny arrangements with Gwynedd Council.

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