Agenda item

Well-being of Future Generations Bill and Key Priorities of Gwynedd & Ynys Môn

To submit report by the Senior Partnerships Manager (Gwynedd & Ynys Môn) in relation to the above.


Submitted – a report by the Senior Partnerships Manager (Gwynedd & Ynys Môn) in relation to the above.


The Senior Partnerships Manager gave a presentation to the Committee on implications of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill and the emerging key priorities of the Gwynedd and Ynys Môn Local Services Board.  She advised that the key objective of the Bill was for public bodies to improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of Wales in accordance with sustainable development principles. 


The Bill cited 6 wellbeing goals :-


·        A prosperous Wales (the economy);

·        A resilient Wales (the environment);

·        A Healthier Wales;

·        A more equal Wales;

·        A Wales of cohesive communities;

·        A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language.


There would be an expectation upon every public body to set and publish well-being objectives which would aim to ensure a contribution towards realising these goals and to publish an annual report on achievements.


The Senior Partnerships Manager reported that the Local Services Board would become statutory Public Services Boards with three levels to their membership i.e. Statutory Members, Invited Participants and Other Partners.  All partners would not therefore be on an equal footing to the future with the statutory responsibilities of the Bill being with the Statutory Members. 


There would also be a responsibility to prepare a Well-being Plan (to replace the Single Integrated Plan) with the timetable being in synergy with the timeline of local government elections.  There would be an expectation upon Public Services Boards to seek the advice of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and forward a copy to Ministers, The Auditor General and the local Scrutiny Committees.  It was anticipated that the National Assembly scrutiny process associated with the introduction of the bill would continue over the coming weeks with a view to receiving Royal Assent by April 2015.   It was anticipated that all public bodies would be subject to the duties of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Bill from April 2016 although the details of the milestones associated with the duties of the proposed Act had not yet been finalised. 


The Senior Partnership Manager further reported one of the key tasks over the past few months had been to support the Board to agree a small number of key priorities to be delivered over the next few years.  The Local Services Board at its meeting convened on 28 November, 2014 confirmed the key priorities which were noted within the report.


At a meeting of the Informal Executive convened on 26 January, 2015 consideration was given to the implications of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill.  The recommendations were noted within the report.


Issues raised by Members :-


·           The implementation of the Bill would pose a financial challenge for local authorities during the economic downturn;

·           The implications of the Bill were far-reaching covering the breadth of the Council’s duties and Local Authorities needed to keep abreast of developments in respect of this matter.




·           Note the decision of the Informal Executive at its meeting held on 26 January 2015 to delay progressing with the implementation of the sustainable development requirements of the Well-being of Future Generations Bill in order to learn from others’ experiences (who are taking part in the pilot of early adopters);


·           Confirm the need to continue to raise awareness as part of the Council’s preparations in readiness for the new legislation;


·           Note the requirements of the Bill on sustainable development and in particular the future role of scrutineers;


·           Note progress to date on the Local Services Board Key Priorities workstream.


ACTION : Update reports be submitted to future meetings of this Scrutiny Committee on the Local Services Board.  Updates on the Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill to be made provided via monthly briefing sessions arranged for Elected Members.


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