Agenda item

Applications that will be Deferred

6.1 34C553A – Ty’n Coed, Llangefni


6.2 41C8C – Garnedd Ddu, Star


6.3 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON – Penrhos Coastal Park, Cae Glas and Kingsland, Holyhead


6.1   34C553A - Outline application for residential development including extra care facility, highway and associated infrastructure at Ty’n Coed, Llangefni


The Development Control Manager informed the Committee that the application was originally reported to the Planning Committee in November 2008 because it had been advertised as a departure from the development plan and part of the submitted proposal was being recommended for approval. Due to the nature and context of the proposed development, it is considered that it would be beneficial for Members of the Committee to view the site prior to making any determinations.


It was resolved to defer consideration of the application so that a site visit may be undertaken in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


6.2   41C8C - Full application for the change of use of land for the siting of 33 touring caravans, erection of a toilet block, construction of a vehicular access together with landscaping at Garnedd Ddu, Star


The Development Control Manager summarised the background to the application and said that a site visit had been made by Members of the Committee on 19th June, 2013. Further information was then submitted in support of the application and in order to allow the expiry of neighbour notification and the consideration of representations and consultation replies arising from this additional information, the application was deferred. However, drainage matters remain under discussion and therefore it is recommended that the application is deferred.


It was resolved to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and for the reason given.


6.3   46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON – A hybrid planning application proposing:


Outline with all mattersreserved except for means of access, for:


A leisure village at Penrhos Coastal Park, London Road, Holyhead comprising: up to 500 new leisure units includingnew lodges and cottages; Central new hub building comprising reception with leisure facilities includingindoor sub-tropical water park, indoor sports hall, and cafes, bars, restaurants and retail; Centralnew Farmer's Marketbuilding; Central new spa and leisurebuilding; A new cafe and watersports centre at the site of the former Boathouse; Demolition of the Bathing House and the construction of a restaurant at its formerlocation; Demolitionof other existingbuildings including three agricultural barns andthree residential dwellings; Providing and maintaining 29 hectares of publicly accessible areas withpublic car parking and enhancements to the Coastal Path, including: Managed walkwayswithin 15 hectares of woodland, the retention and enhancement of Grace's pond, Lily Pond, Scout'spond with viewingplatforms , the Pet Cemetery , War Memorial, the Pump Houseand picnic area withbird feeding stationsand hides with educational and bilingual interpretationsignage created throughout; Creation of a new woodland sculpture trail and boardwalks and enhanced connection to theCoastal Path; The beach will continue to be accessible to the publicproviding safe access to the shallow shelving water ; A Combined Heat and Power Centre


Land at Cae Glas: The erection of leisure village accommodation and facilities which have been designed to be used initially as a temporary construction workersaccommodation complex for Wylfa B at land at Cae Glas, Pare Cybi, Holyhead comprising : Up to 315 lodges which will be initially sub divided for nuclear workers accommodation; Central hub building providingreception and canteen ancillary to accommodation ; A Park and Ride facilitycomprising up to 700 car parking spaces; A new hotel; A lakesidehub comprising restaurant, cafe, retail and bar; New grass footballpitch and cricket pitch; and a CombinedHeat and Power Centre. To be subsequently converted(post Wylfa B construction) into an extension to the Penrhos Coastal Park LeisureVillage comprising: Refurbished lodges and facility buildingsto create high quality holidayaccommodation (up to 315 family lodges); A Visitor Centre and NatureReserve allowing controlled public access; and Heritage Centre with visitorparking.


Land at Kingsland: The erection of a residential development which has been designedto be used initially as temporary construction workers accommodation at land at Kingsland, Kingsland Road, Holyhead comprising: Up to 360 new houses to be initially used as temporaryconstruction workers accommodation. To be subsequently converted (post Wylfa B construction) into a residential development comprising: Up to 360 residential dwellings set in high quality landscaping and open spaces. Each phase of development will have ancillary development comprising car parking, servicing areas, open spaces and plant.


Full detailfor the change of use of the existing Estate buildings at Penrhos CoastalPark, London Road, Holyhead includingthe change of use for: The Bailiffs Tower and outbuildings at Penrhos Home Farm from a cricket clubhouse to a visitors information centre,restaurant, cafe, bars and retail;Home Farm Barn and Cart Buildings from farm buildingsto cycle and sports hire centre; The Tower from residential to a Managersaccommodation and ancillaryoffice; and Beddmanarch House from residential to a visitorscentre at  Penrhos Coastal Park, Cae Glas  and  Kingsland, Holyhead


The Planning Development Manager informed Members of the Committee that it is anticipated that a full report on this application will be presented to the September, 2013 meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee. The Officer proceeded to say that at the site visit held on 19th June, Members indicated that they would wish to attend a further briefing session with regard to the proposals and it is recommended that this is convened on the same day as the scheduled August site visits.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the purpose of the briefing session would be to allow Members to ask factual questions about the application and for officers to provide contextual information.


It was resolved to defer consideration of the application and to convene a further briefing session on 21 August, 2013.


Supporting documents: