To submit the report of the Secretary of the Trust in relation to the above and to receive presentations by the organisations mentioned in the report.
Submitted – the report of the Secretary in relation to grant applications received in support of initiatives to regenerate Anglesey’s economy.
It was reported that the terms of reference of the Regeneration Committee are to consider how the Trust’s resources for improving the quality of life for citizens in Anglesey, through economic regeneration, create sustainable employment that will allow the people of Anglesey (particularly young people) to remain and earn a livelihood in their communities, and to use those resources for the benefit of the community. Over the years, the Trust has provided match funding in support of projects such as Menter Môn’s European Schemes, which attract additional resources for the Island from various external sources available for economic regeneration. This activity is in addition to the grants that have been regularly provided to voluntary organisations involved in community activity.
The Secretary stated that 3 applications had been received from Menter Môn, Anglesey Agricultural Show Society and GeoMôn.
· Menter Môn – an application to match fund the LEADER Scheme – Anglesey Rural Partnership
The Secretary stated that the Managing Director of Menter Môn has already given a presentation on this application to the full Trust meeting held on 22 April, 2014. The Trust resolved at the time to support the application in principle and requested that the matter be deferred for more detailed consideration by the Regeneration Committee. The reason for so doing was that the application presented to the Trust was in outline form: it had not been approved by Welsh Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. On 6th February 2015, information was received that the application had been successful conditional on securing match funding.
The Managing Director of Menter Môn gave a detailed presentation to the Regeneration Committee. The Menter Môn LEADER match funding bid to the Charitable Trust is £330,000 based upon £110,000 per annum for three years.
Following a question and answer session it was RESOLVED to recommend to the full Charitable Trust that it supports the Menter Môn leader match funding bid of £110,000 per annum for three years.
· Anglesey Agricultural Show Society – an application to improve facilities in order to attract further activities
Mr. John Adshead gave a detailed presentation to the Regeneration Committee. Representatives from the Show Committee were also in attendance who give background information of the Show’s activities and financial details to the Committee. The Anglesey Agricultural Show Society match funding bid to the Charitable Trust is £60k.
Following a question and answer session it was RESOLVED to recommend to the full Charitable Trust that it supports the Anglesey Agricultural Show Society match funding bid of £60k subject to the Society securing other match funding bid from a local source of funding and that the matter be brought back to the Trust when the outcome of this bid is known for final determination.
· GeoMôn – Anglesey GeoPark application
Dr. Margaret Wood and Mr. John Pinnington gave a detailed presentation to the Regeneration Committee. The Anglesey GeoMôn application was for funding of £125k in 2015/16 increasing to £132k in 2018 together with £50k in 2015/16 as accessible seedcorn capital for the development and management of community based projects.
Following a question and answer session it was RESOVLED that given that GeoMôn had no other identified funding sources at present, to defer consideration of the application from GeoMôn and to suggest that they should discuss possible match funding options with Menter Môn’s LEADER project and other sources. The matter will be given further consideration by the Trust when the outcome of these discussions is known.