To submit a report by the Treasurer in relation to the above.
Submitted – a report on behalf of the Treasurer in relation to the above.
It was reported that the purpose of the report was to consider applications relevant to the Isle of Anglesey Charitable Trust. Allocations are made annually from the Isle of Anglesey Charitable Trust to the following categories of projects :-
· Community and Sporting Facilities (small capital projects)
· Other Grants (mainly one-off small grants)
At the meeting of the full Charitable Trust held on 20th January, 2015 it was resolved to delegate a budget of £125,000 to this Committee for the annual grants programme. The full Trust also resolved that the grant limit in respect of Community and Sporting Facilities Grants be increased from £6,000 to £8,000. The limit for small grants remains at £1,000 and the upper funding limit for all grants remains at 80%. However, in its meeting on the 21st April, 2015, the full Trust resolved to provide flexibility to this Committee to increase the upper limit and percentage rate of support in light of applications received.
The relevant officers from within the Isle of Anglesey County Council have considered and prioritised the applications received as far as possible and consistent with the Trust’s decisions and criteria established in previous years. The Officers’ recommendations are shown in Appendices A and B attached to the report. These applications are considered in accordance to the ‘Criteria for the Allocation of Grants from the Isle of Anglesey Charitable Trust’, a copy of which was attached as Appendix C to the report.
The applications received and sums recommended for Community & Sporting Facilities – Capital Grants for 2015/16 are as follows :-
01 Llangoed Football Club Renovate changing rooms £5,469
(To approve the above grant, in principle, subject to receipt of audited accounts and the satisfaction of Council Officers with regard to the financial position of the Club within a period of 2 months)
02 David Hughes Community Upgrade kitchen and 70% of the eligible cost, up to £2,715
Centre adjacent room
(To approve the above grant, in principle, subject to receiving further estimates within a period of 2 months)
04 Llangristiolus & Create Playing Field £8,000
Cerrigceinwen Parish
05 Llanfairpwllgwyngyll Preparatory work necessary for NIL
Community Council a new Hall
(The funding requested is for preparatory work and there is a risk that the project may not progress as anticipated)
06 MenaiBridge War Memorial Replace heating boiler £2,968
Community Centre
07 Welsh Federation of Sea Support for local talented NIL
Anglers young person with costs of
competing the UK Championships
(Competition held prior to this meeting, therefore ineligible)
08 Pentraeth Football Club Provide a stone drain to prevent NIL
water getting onto the field
(Not eligible as they received a grant in 2013/14)
10 Ysgol Esceifiog PTA To purchase table top cooker and NIL
equipment so that KS1 and KS2
pupils experience and learn about
food, healthy eating and food
(The Trust does no support
schools therefore not eligible)
12 BodfforddPlaying Repair safety floor surfacing, purchase 70% of eligible cost up to £1,428
Field Committee seating and litter bin
(Grant awarded even though only one estimate received due to the company which is able to carry out the repair work is the only company within a reasonable distance)
13 MoelfrePartnership Erection of a memorial plaque in £585
memory of the 29 local heroes involved
in the saving of lives during the Royal
Charter disaster
14 Amlwch Town Juniors FC Purchase storage containers £3,150
19 Bro Goronwy Literary Funding for lecturer, hiring the school, NIL
Society secretary’s expenses, printing and hiring
the chapel
(Alternative funding found for this application)
20 Bro Goronwy History Financial support towards the cost of NIL
Society speakers, printing, hire of chapel vestry
to hold meetings, secretarial costs. (Alternative funding found for this application)
21 Bodedern Cricket Club Purchase of mowers £5,670
22 Beaumaris Rowing Club Purchase a second Celtic longboat £7,835
26 Amlwch Showstoppers To purchase equipment to enable the group £2,000
Shows with a view to producing DVDs to sell
and to provide a visual record of shows for
training and appraisal
27 Bro Goronwy Football To complete renovation of Porta cabin, new £1,626
Club flooring, 2 doors and 1 window
28 Valley Community Convert room in the pavilion at Mud Park to a £1,813
Council meeting/community room
29 Age Well, Anglesey To fund a mini bus for service users within the £2,500
Age Well centres of Amlwch and Llangefni
30 Moelfre Art Club Purchase mobile display boards £1,408
31 Anglesey Guide Centre Improve facilities in the Activity Room, £8,000
insulate the building and provide more
efficient lighting and heating
33 Anglesey Referral To provide 1 to 1 support for children of NIL
Scheme pre-school age with additional learning needs
(The funding would be to top up core funding provided by the County Council, therefore not eligible)
34 Llanfairpwllgwyngyll Replacement Roof £8,000
Church Hall/Community
35 Ffrindiau Parc Rhosybol Develop play area £8,000
(To approve the above grant, in principle, subject to receipt of audited accounts and the satisfaction of Council Officers with regard to the financial position of the Club within a period of 2 months)
37 Menai Bridge Cricket Purchase mower and various £5,161
Club attachments
38 Beaumaris Town Council Improve Beaumaris playing field £8,000
39 Parents and Friends Purchase equipment and provide activities NIL
Of Clwb Cybi for members of the club
(Lack of information on the application)
41 MoelfreCommunity Purchase play equipment NIL
Council (Not eligible as they received a grant in 2014/15)
42 Tudur Cyf. (Canolfan Provision of disabled access to £7,941
Ebeneser) main entrance, conversion of
mezzanine floor area into an
additional facility
(To approve the above grant, in principle, subject to receipt of proof of ownership of the building within 2 months)
43 Cor Meibion Y Foel To assist the Choir to produce and NIL
market second CD
(Lack of information on the application)
44 Beaumaris and District Install aluminium double-glazed push NIL
Leisure Centre pad operated front doors to the entrance
of the building
(Not eligible, received a grant in 2013/14)
45 Amlwch Pre-School To cover cost of rent for coming year NIL
Playgroup in order to re-invest in Quality Assurance
Scheme and to enhance the outdoor
(Pre-School Groups have not previously been supported by the Trust)
46 Clwb Plant Bach Tables, chairs and learning materials NIL
Llangefni for toddlers
(Lack of information on the application)
47 Families Circle Provide disabled equipment for children NIL
within the local park as there as there
is currently no suitable equipment available.
(Cost of scheme has not been highlighted. The scheme has not indicated how much they are requesting. The location of the park has also not been identified. Insufficient information provided to support)
49 Cambrian Deaf To enhance the educational, social and NIL
Foundation physical development of deaf children
(The Service is offered throughout Wales, due to a low number of referrals similar Service Level Agreements within Anglesey have been withdrawn as difficult to establish value for money)
50 Friends of Llangoed Purchase play equipment £5,497
(To approve the above grant, in principle, subject to receipt of audited accounts and the satisfaction of Council Officers with regard to the financial position of the Club within a period of 2 months)
The applications received and sums recommended for Small Grants 2015/16 are as follows :-
03 Tyddyn Môn To create a music festival for Tyddyn £1,000
Môn. To encourage and facilitate adults
with Learning Disabilities to engage and
participate in the festival, gaining new
skills and developing their social life
and experiences
09 Red Squirrels Trust Funding for two contractors for 6 months to :- £1,000
Wales Ltd (a) find and remove grey squirrels crossing
onto Anglesey;
(b) Monitor red squirrel health;
(c) Work with businesses and communities
to maintain green tourism linked to red
25 Beaumaris Food To assist with the setup costs of the 2015 £1,000
Festival Beaumaris food festival
32 MS Society To finance exercise classes held in Beaumaris £1,000
Leisure Centre for people with MS
40 Menai Seafood Free access seafood festival £1,000
Members of the Committee said that organisations who submit an application for a grant from the Charitable Trust should be afforded enhanced assistance and guidance when filling applications for grants.
RESOLVED to approve the amounts, as listed above (£x) [adjacent to the recommended sums], being at a grant rate of 70%.
Supporting documents: