Agenda item

Transformation of the Library Service

To submit the report of the Head of Learning.


The report of the Head of Learning setting out the Library Service Consultation findings was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Portfolio Member for Education reported that the national and local agendas and financial challenges make it necessary for the Authority to review the way in which Library Services are provided. The Executive at its meeting held on 20 July, 2015 granted permission for the Library Service to undertake a consultation exercise on future models of delivery and the consultation findings are now presented.


The Head of Learning reported on the extent and reach of the consultation exercise and the main messages therefrom.


Councillor R. Meirion Jones, Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee reported that the Committee at its meeting held on 1st February,2016 considered the consultation findings and took the view that savings  at the upper range of 60% were excessive; that it supports the Service in its endeavour to continue to investigate possible solutions; that it notes that a further period of consultation is to be undertaken on the final proposed costed models prior to presenting final recommendations to Scrutiny and the Executive, and that it commends the consultation methodology as a model that could be considered for adoption corporately.


The Portfolio Member for Planning said that it is important that the message is disseminated that what is being considered is not the closure of libraries but rather alternative models for the delivery of library services with a view to the provision of an improved service. It is important also that consultation with community based groups commences without delay.


It was resolved –


           To note the response of the citizens of Anglesey to the proposals and ideas put forward during the consultation on the Library and information Service Review: The Way Forward – October/ November, 2015.

           In light of the need to find savings of between 20-60%, to give permission for the service to continue to explore and cost the potential future models in the context of these consultation findings, as outlined in the library service review. Particular attention needs to be paid to the effects of any changes on vulnerable groups and communities.

           In light of the above, that consideration be given to offering more services from the current library buildings.

           In light of the above also, that consideration be given to the possibility of offering an authority-led community managed library service model in 6 or 8 of the part-time libraries. Such services should meet the 18 Core Entitlements outlined in the 2014 Fifth Welsh Public Library Standards Framework.

           To give permission to open discussions on Community Managed libraries with Town and Community Councils and other community based groups, within the context of the Council’s statutory duties and the Welsh Public Library Standards.

           That a volunteer contribution model for added value activities be investigated within the context of the Council’s statutory duties and the Welsh Public Library Standards.

           To give permission to move to phase 2 of the consultation process and to conduct a further period of consultation on the final proposed costed models in June and July of 2016 with a view to presenting final recommendations to the Scrutiny Committee and the Executive in early Autumn 2016, to implement a revised library service model in 2017-18.

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