Agenda item

Llawr y Dref, Llangefni - Business Case

To submit the report of the Head of Housing Services.


The report of the Head of Housing Services setting out the business case for remodelling units 1-4 and 6-29 Llawr y Dref, Llangefni was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Portfolio Member for Housing and Social Services reported on the background to the Llawr y Dref development and the current proposal. The Business Case for remodelling the scheme puts forward two options both of which propose re-designating the scheme to a general needs rented scheme because of the need for one bedroom units resulting from the Social Sector Size Criteria (commonly referred to as the bedroom tax) through the Welfare Reform agenda.


The Housing Services Business Manager referred to the waiting list for smaller housing units in Llangefni and to the situation at present at Llawr y Dref wherein 20 units are empty and are proving difficult to let. He said that Option 1 was the preferred option for the reasons given in the report. The Officer also confirmed that he would be consulting on the matter with Llangefni Town Council at a meeting on 9 May, 2016.


Councillor Dylan Rees speaking as a Local Member said that whilst he agreed there were too many voids in the Llawr y Dref complex he was concerned that the Business Case for its re-designation into a general housing scheme makes no reference to the risks of anti-social behaviour in this location. Councillor Dylan Rees also highlighted the lack of prior consultation on the options with the Town Council, the existing residents of Llawr y Dref and the Police Service, and he conveyed to the Executive issues which the Police had raised. He asked that a decision on the matter be deferred until such consultation had taken place, or else that a working group be established to include representatives of the Police and Local Members to draw up an action plan to seek to lessen the risks.


The Executive noted the Local Member’s concerns but was minded to proceed because of the need to expedite the matter. The Executive sought assurances regarding consultation and the mitigation of risk; the Officers gave assurances with regard to managing the risks and elaborated on how this would be done. The Portfolio Member for Housing and Social Services emphasised that the Authority will be working in co-operation with the Police and that Local Members will be kept fully informed of what is being done.


Given that it is not foreseen the units will be let before November/December, 2016 the Chair requested that Officers endeavour to ensure in the meantime that there is consultation and co-operation with all interested parties in order to make the scheme successful.


It was resolved:


           To agree to a change of designation of units 1- 4 and 6 - 29 at Llawr y Dref, Llangefni from a sheltered housing scheme aged 60+ to a general needs housing scheme as per Option 1 of the report.

           That minor works be carried out to remodel the internal space of the units to maximise the internal floor area available as well as fitting new kitchens in the units to make them more attractive to tenants.

           To improve the communal areas within Blocks A and B to include the provision of a communal room and to improve and upgrade the fire safety equipment, as well as undertaking external works such as painting and landscaping the garden in order to improve the external appearance of the building.

           To offer a menu of choices for furnishing the flats to the value of £500 for tenants moving into the scheme as their first home, or pay for the removal costs of any tenant moving into the scheme as a result of being affected by the Social Sector Size Criteria (commonly referred to as the bedroom tax) in their current home.

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