Agenda item

Community First

To submit a report by the Head of Housing Services.


The Chair welcomed representatives from the Môn Communities First Ltd., to the meeting.


Submitted - the report of the Head of Housing Services on the Communities First Progress Report 2016/16.


The Head of Housing Services reported that the Communities First Programme is a key work stream delivering the Council’s strategic priorities within the Corporate Plan 2014/17 which focuses on regenerating communities and developing the economy together with increasing the housing options and reducing poverty.  She noted that the Authority is the Lead Delivery Body which consists the Core, LIFT and Communities for Work funding.  Môn Communities First Ltd., is a Delivery Organisation. 


Môn Communities First Ltd., as a company limited by guarantee and a charity, has the ability to secure additional external funding to support the delivery of Communities First services in the area which the Authority as a public body may not be eligible to apply.    The Community Vocational Academy, which provides accredited training to people aged 14-62, targeting those who are least likely to attend mainstream college provision has recently won the Chartered Institute of Housing Awards for Best Social Enterprise. 


The Môn Communities First Cluster Manager gave an in-depth report on the activities undertaken by organisation.  There have an increase in both the number of staff that the organisation currently employs and the amount of funding that has been secured for the programme.  She referred to the Community Vocational Academy which has recently been strengthened through the award of Viable and Vibrant Places (VVP) funding.  £90,000 has been awarded over 2 years to purchase a large commercial ride on mower which will enable Môn CF to tender for larger contracts and generate a sustainable income stream.  2 vans were also purchased which updates the fleet of vehicles.  A mini digger has also been purchased which will be used by trainees and will assist with the lead on training to Coleg Menai Large Digger Training which was funded through Horizon.    Môn Communities First is working closely with employers to ensure that the vacancies they have can be matched to the participants at the Academy.  She noted that 102 people have attained employment through the Academy to date.


The Grant Manager outlined the level of funding secured by Môn Communities First and referred to Appendix 1 and 5 attached to the report which highlighted external funding secured.


The Chair of the Môn Communities First, Mr. J. Lee MBE wished to expressed his appreciation for the work undertaken by the staff of Môn CF and noted how proud he was of the success of the organisation.


The Committee considered the report and raised the following main issues :-


·           Members of the Committee congratulated the work of the Môn Communities First Ltd., and commended that facilities offered to help the people within the Communities First areas.  Questions were raised whether other areas not in the Communities area can be supported by facilities offered by Môn Communities First.  The Môn Communities First Cluster Manager responded that European Funding has been secured to appoint an Officer to work in non-CF wards. 


·           Questions raised as to whether Môn CF will continue to carry on with the planting of flowers to improve the image of Holyhead Town Centre and surrounding areas.  The Môn Communities First Cluster Manager responded that there have been recent incidents of anti-social behaviour of some youths towards their staff whilst preparing and planting floral displays in Holyhead.   She noted that the matter has been reported to North Wales Police on numerous occasions; it was understood that only one 15 year old youth has been spoken to.  She said that she was unwilling to allow her staff to be intimidated and the service will have be suspended. 


Following further deliberations it was RESOLVED :-


·           To congratulate the work and success of the Môn Communities First which is an example of good partnership working with the Council;


·           To note the success of Môn Communities First in helping 102 people finding employment through the Community Vocational Academy;


·           That a letter be sent to North Wales Police expressing the Committee’s concerns with regard to the recent incidents of anti-social behaviour by youths and the intimidation of Môn CF staff whilst preparing and planting floral displays in the Holyhead area.


ACTION : The Scrutiny Officer to write to North Wales Police with regard to the issue of anti-social behaviour as noted above.


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