Agenda item

Consultation on Traveller and Gypsy Sites in Anglesey - The Consultation Process

To submit the report of the Head of Housing Services in relation to the above.


  Analysis of Consultation Responses - Holyhead Area


   To submit the report of the Head of Housing Services in relation to the above.


   (Appendix and correspondence attached)


  Analysis of Consultation Responses - Centre of the Island


   To submit the report of the Head of Housing Services in relation to the above.


   (Appendix and correspondence attached)


  Analysis of Consultation Responses - Menai Area


   To submit the report of the Head of Housing Services in relation to the above.


   (Appendix and correspondence attached)


The report of the Head of Housing Services was presented to the Executive for consideration with regard to the consultation on Traveller and Gypsy Sites.


The Portfolio Holder (Housing & Social Services) stated that extensive consultation has been given to the proposals for possible gypsy and travellers sites, with public meetings, ‘drop-in’ sessions and meetings with Town and Community Councils and Officers of the County Council.  The opinion of gypsies and travellers also needed to be heard within the consultation process and an independent facilitator has facilitated this process.  He stated that 3 sites need to be identified on Anglesey – a  temporary stopping place in Holyhead, a temporary stopping place in the Centre of the Island, and a permanent site in the Menai area for the four households who at present are located at an unauthorised encampment in the lay-by on the A5025 near Pentraeth.  This process of identifying Traveller and Gypsy Sites is a statutory duty under the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 which also strengthens the requirement that local authorities identify and make provision for sufficient appropriate sites in their Local Development Plans.  He stated that the gypsy and traveller community have a statutory right to live the way the wish but they also must respect the authority’s rights to ensure that they respect the rules that will be in place on the identified site. He noted that financial assistance by Welsh Government will be afforded to local authorities to establish a permanent traveller sites but no financial assistance will be given to the establishment of temporary stopping places.  


The Portfolio Holder referred to the 3 sites identified in Holyhead and none of the sites are suitable to progress or to be included in the Local Development Plan.  Discussion will now be undertaken with the Port Authority within the next few weeks.  2 sites were identified in the Centre of the Island but none of the sites were suitable and a further consultation process will be needed to locate a suitable temporary stopping place for gypsies and travellers, with a future consultation including privately owned land.  


The Portfolio Holder referred to the permanent site required in the Menai area and stated that the site located at the lay-by on the A5025 near Pentraeth is inadequate due to its position near a busy main road.  The site at present is tolerated until the Council is able to identify a suitable permanent site for the travellers.  Whilst the Council own the land proposed for a permanent site at Penhesgyn near Penmynydd, negotiations with the landowner would need to take place to secure suitable access to the site, with the possible purchase of the land.  It is therefore recommended that the land at Penhesgyn is included in the Joint Local Development Plan.


The Chair referred to the recent special meeting of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 13th May, 2016 which discussed the Gypsy and Travellers site and considered that valid and meaningful discussions took place at the meeting.   He invited Councillor Alun Mummery, Vice-Chair of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee to address the meeting.


Councillor Mummery stated that the Scrutiny Committee were afforded a presentation with regard to the gypsy and traveller’s site consultation process and site selection.  He noted that the Independent Facilitator who had been asked by the Council to liaise with the gypsy traveller communities and seek their views as part of the consultation afforded an opportunity to address the meeting together with members of the public who had concerns regarding the sites for gypsy and travellers.    He referred to the recommendations of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee to the Executive.


The Assistant Chief Executive (Governance and Business Process Transformation) stated that following the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 13th May, 2016 the report on the Permanent Sites in the Menai Area had been updated to address the concerns of the committee with regard to the site at Penhesgyn near Penmynydd in connection with air pollution as it is near the recycling centre.  An air quality assessment was commissioned during the consultation process and the summary of the finding were included within the report on the site at Penhesgyn.  The Scrutiny Committee also raised concerns to the safety of people from the site entering the recycling centre without permission.  The Assistant Chief Executive explained that the proposed site at Penhesgyn would be  made secure that children and animals would not be able to enter the recycling centre.


The Assistant Chief Executive further stated that concerns were raised at the Scrutiny Committee as to the impact on local residents who live near the proposed site at Penhesgyn.  She noted that the location of the site within the land available will need to be considered carefully to developed to cater for the needs of the travelers whilst at the same time considering the views and concerns of the local residents. 


The Executive gave detailed consideration to the reports on the sites for gypsy and traveller’s and considered that the design of the identified proposed site at Penhesgyn is paramount.

It was RESOLVED :-

·           To accept the report and to note the consultation processes regarding Gypsy and Traveller site selection.

·           That following analysis of the response to the consultation exercise and sites assessment exercises outlined within the reports on the Holyhead, Centre of the Island and Menai vicinity it was agreed :-

·       Holyhead area – Temporary Site

·           That none of the three sites included in the consultation to provide a temporary stopping place in the vicinity of Holyhead should be progressed or included in the Local Development Plan;

·           The County Council shall carry out further work to identify alternative sites to meet the need for a temporary stopping place in the Holyhead vicinity, as identified in the statutory Gwynedd and Anglesey Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment 2016 and to comply with the Council’s duties under Part 3 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014;

·           Further work should be undertaken to understand the level of use of Holyhead port by Gypsy Travellers and the level of unauthorised encampments occurring as a result of travel to and from the port. 

·           That negotiations be undertaken with the Holyhead Port Authority and shipping companies.

·       Centre of the Island – Temporary Site

·           That none of the two sites included in the consultation process should be progressed or included in the Local Development Plan;

·           The County Council will continue to work to identify alternative sites to meet the need for a temporary stopping place in the Centre of the Island, as identified in the statutory Gwynedd and Anglesey Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment 2016 and to comply with the Council’s duties under Part 3 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014;

·         Menai Area – Permanent Site

·           That land at Penhesgyn near Penmynydd be selected as a possible allocation to meet the accommodation needs of Gypsy and Travellers, subject to the outcome of further investigations to confirm the suitability of the site from a highway safety and health impact perspective and be included in the Joint Local Development Plan;

·           That further engagement be undertaken with the residents of the unauthorised encampment a the lay-by on the A5025 to gain a better understanding of their needs and explain the Council’s requirements, and an independent facilitator will be used to facilitate this;

·           That an appropriate consultant be commissioned to prepare site design and submit the requisite planning application; that the consultant and independent facilitator involve the residents of the unauthorised encampments in the design and management of the proposed new site;

·           To engage with local communities and key stakeholders regarding the proposals to develop the site with the aim of building community cohesion;

·           The County Council will enter into discussions with the owner of two fields marked on the (Appendix 1) attached to the report, with a view to their purchase.


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