Agenda item

Purchase of Land to improve the A5025

To submit a report by the Head of Highways, Waste and Property.


A report by the Head of Service (Highways, Waste and Property) regarding improvement works to the highway between A55 J3 and Wylfa Newydd along the A5 and A5025 was presented for the Executive’s consideration. The report outlined the background to the proposals presented along with the works required and their timing; how it is proposed these be carried out and the considerations pertaining thereto.


The Portfolio Member for Highways, Waste and Property Management presented the recommendations to the Executive.


The Head of Service (Highways, Waste and Property) reported that in order to deliver Wylfa Newydd, improvements are required to be made to the highway between A55 J3 and Wylfa Newydd along the A5 and A5025 to the site entrance. Discussions have taken place between the Council (as local highway authority) and Horizon Nuclear Power/Hitachi (HNP) over the past two years in relation to the delivery of such improvements which have resulted in the Council and HNP entering into a Collaboration Agreement in order to facilitate these and other highway improvements for the effective operation of the highways network during the construction and operation of Wylfa Newydd. It is considered that the works are needed in order to enable Wylfa Newydd to be constructed. Wylfa Newydd is supported in national and local policy. The Officer referred to the works required and said that they fall into two categories namely online works which largely entail improvements to the existing carriageway, and offline works which essentially comprise four sections of bypasses and he elaborated thereon.


The Executive noted the information presented including the nature and extent of public consultations held with the communities affected as set out in the report. The Executive noted also that in the interests of sustainable development, cycle tracks should be established where feasible and safe to do so.


It was resolved to authorise the Head of Service (Highways, Waste and Property):


           To enter into an Agreement with Horizon Nuclear Power/Hitachi (HNP) under section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 and any other powers necessary in such form as the Head of Service (Highways, Waste and Property) requires to ensure HNP indemnifies the Council for all costs and liabilities associated with progressing and promoting Compulsory Purchase Order(s), Side Road Orders and any other Orders (“the Orders”) necessary to carry out construction and improvement works to the highway between A55 J3 and Wylfa Newydd along the A5 and A5025 including associated works and mitigation and in undertaking all work in connection with the Orders, meeting the costs of acquisition of rights and interests in land in order to deliver the works and meeting all compensation liabilities of the Council which will or may arise out of the Orders and acquisition of rights and interests.

           Following completion of the Agreement above, to undertake all steps necessary in preparation for making and servicing the Orders. Such steps to include undertaking land searches and referencing of all interests and rights which may be required to deliver the construction and improvement works (including issuing requisitions for information under the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 and/or under the Highways Act 1980), preparing draft Orders and related documentation and undertaking all steps required to allow such Orders to be made and served should such action subsequently be authorised by the Executive.

           Following the completion of the Agreement above, to enter into negotiations with those persons with an interest in land or rights needed to deliver the construction and improvement works in order to acquire, where possible, such land and rights by agreement, to include making offers to acquire such land and rights and entering into agreements to acquire such land and rights as the Head of Service (Highways, Waste and Property) considers appropriate.

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