Agenda item

EU Funded Capital Projects (2014-2020)

To submit a report by the Head of Regulation and Economic Development.


The report of the Head of Regulation and Economic Development in respect of the position with regard to EU funded capital projects from 2014 to 2020 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Portfolio Member for Planning and Economic Development reported that the outcome of the EU referendum has created an environment of enhanced uncertainty with limited clarity on the nature, timing and outcome of negotiations to exit the EU. The political and funding landscape is now completely different and it is almost impossible to accurately predict what the implications of the referendum will be because of the uncertainty. Nevertheless the key messages from the Welsh Government in relation to EU structure funds are that they remain open for business; maintaining focus on implementing current programmes; are continuing to approve projects and encouraging potential project sponsors to continue with their project development. As a result, the pre-referendum recommendations as outlined in the report remain valid and are commended to the Executive.


The Economic Development Manager said that the financial climate for local government is challenging meaning that external funding is increasingly important in order to progress corporate objectives. The Regulation and Economic Development Service has been working hard on project development over the course of the past 18 months, developing project proposals and robust business plans to secure external funding support for the purpose of promoting economic development and to help create prosperous communities. The update report as at Annex A reviews the current landscape as regards EU funded capital projects in the period 2014 to 2020 as well as providing a project development update.


The Portfolio Member for Housing and Social Services said that the authority needs to maximise EU funding opportunities whilst they still exist.


The Portfolio Member for Finance said that although there are concerns regarding EU project funding as a consequence of withdrawing from the EU, the Welsh Government has sought assurance from the UK Government that Wales will not lose out financially and that EU funding will be replaced in an increased settlement to the Welsh Government under the Barnett formula. It is important that Anglesey as a recipient of EU funding is not disadvantaged as a result and  there is a case for asking the  WLGA to  look at the formula whereby funding is allocated to the regions.


It was resolved: -


           To support the development and delivery of the portfolio of capital projects targeting European funding.

           That the authority to accept offers of grant funding from the Welsh Government and other sources for the projects outlined in Table 1 of Annex A to the report, is delegated to the Head of Service (Regulation and Economic Development) in consultation with the Section 151 Officer.

           To support the inclusion of the EU Tourism Attractor Destination and the Building for the Future sub-projects in the Council’s 2016-20 capital programme, and to approve a contribution of £80k towards the match funding of the Holy Island Visitor Gateway project.

           That the Head of Service (Regulation and Economic Development) in consultation with the Section 151 Officer establishes project delivery governance arrangements in preparation for funding approval.

           To support the role of the County Council to act as an intermediary for Menter Môn and the Menai Bridge Heritage Trust to secure external funding to enhance Prince’s Pier and for the RSPB in relation to the visitor centre at South Stack.

           To request that the Corporate Assets Group review all options for the redevelopment of the Llangefni Shirehall building.

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