To submit a report by the Head of Housing Services.
Submitted - a report by the Head of Housing on unauthorised encampments in North Wales.
In 2013, the Welsh Government produced a document called ‘Guidance on Managing Unauthorised Camping’, which was circulated to all local authorities in 2015. The Guidance provides guidance on the role of Health Boards, Police and Traveller Education Service in assisting local authorities with unauthorised encampments, and recommends that each authority adopts a protocol for their organisation.
The North Wales Joint Protocol for Managing Unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller Encampments was developed by the North Wales Gypsy and Traveller Forum to consistent agreed principles, and provides a framework to maintain standards and reduce negative impacts of encampments.
The Portfolio Member for Social Services and Housing reported that the Protocol has been considered by the North Wales Chief Executives’ Forum, and welcomed the Committee’s comments prior to its adoption by the Executive.
The Head of Housing Services gave a summary of the report. She stated that the Council is presently implementing the Protocol, which is consistent in its aims, is fair to travellers, businesses and local land owners. The Protocol differentiates between the Council’s responsibilities in relation to unauthorised encampments on both Council and privately owned land.
The Housing Strategy and Development Manager provided an update of the current situation regarding travellers presently residing on unauthorised encampments in the Holyhead area. She reported that notices have been served on travellers in two different locations, but they have since moved to another location. The Manager further reported that she is liaising with Conwy County Council’s Legal Department for legal advice on traveller issues.
The following matters were discussed by the Committee:-
• Travellers tend to encamp on Council land rather than privately owned land, as the travellers are aware that the Council faces a more lengthy legal process in order to evict them.
• In relation to businesses at the Mona site, the Council should ask the North Wales Gypsy and Traveller forum to seek the views of the Federation of Small Businesses, to make them aware of the Protocol, and to provide them with the opportunity to comment.
• It was noted that project officers are in the process of mapping out sites for the development of authorised traveller sites, which should be operational within twelve months.
• With reference to new encampments, it was noted that Council officers visit and assess traveller sites within a day or two of occupation. The Protocol must be flexible, and consider local needs. Enforcement orders can vary due to Courts being closed on week-ends.
The Housing Strategy and Development Manager attended the North Wales Gypsy and Traveller Forum, who have been involved in drawing up the Protocol. The Forum’s discussions focused on the varied experiences of local authorities in dealing with traveller encampments, especially how the Council’s powers can be enforced in different areas. The Manager further reported that the Council are working on a procedural document that will provide more details on the process of Court action. The document will include guidance for Council staff on how to respond to travellers; the Council’s approach in deciding what action to take; the legal pathways open to the Council, and timeline for implementation. Officers will need to make judgements on circumstances they encounter at each individual encampment.
• To recommend to the Executive that it approves the Protocol.
• That the North Wales Gypsy and Traveller Forum be requested to undertake further work with local business in North Wales to seek their views on the document and raise awareness of its existence.
• That the Isle of Anglesey County Council continue developing more detailed procedures for use by officers and other agencies on the Island.
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