Agenda item

Gypsy and Traveller Sites

To submit a report by the Head of Housing Services


The report of the Head of Housing Services outlining the progress to date in relation to the development of gypsy and traveller sites was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Portfolio Member for Housing and Social Services said that the report explains the work undertaken since the Executive gave approval to proceed with preliminary site investigations at Penhesgyn and Star at its meetings on 31 May and 25 July, 2016 respectively. The report also provides an update on the land acquisition position and seeks approval in principle for the use of Compulsory Purchase Orders in circumstances where land necessary for the development of the gypsy and traveller accommodation cannot be secured by negotiation. The Portfolio Member highlighted that the Council is statutorily required to identify suitable sites for gypsy and traveller accommodation.

The Housing Technical Services Manager said that Capita has been appointed as consultants tasked with delivering the gypsy and traveller accommodation sites; the consultancy service being provided involves a range of undertakings as referred to in paragraph 2.4 of the report including preparation of site design and planning applications. Key project milestones have been identified and the project will be split into five principal stages as per paragraph 2.5 of the report.


The Assistant Chief Executive (Governance and Business Process Transformation) confirmed that the Anglesey and Gwynedd Joint Gypsy and Travellers Accommodation Needs Assessment, 2016 which was presented to the Executive in February, 2016 has now been approved by the Welsh Government.


Councillor R. Meirion Jones having requested to speak on this matter referred to the Council’s resolution from its meeting on 25th July, 2016 to carry out further investigation of Site 1 (strip of land between A55/A5 between Llanfairpwll and Star Crossroads) to confirm its suitability and to further assess any safety or technical risks posed by this site,  and he pointed out that the project management specification and timeline as at paragraph 2.5 do not factor in any decisions  that may arise or have to be taken as a result of the investigation of these matters. The minutes of the Council’s meeting on 25th July, 2016 make reference to a number of concerns that were raised during the debate on this issue including for example potential flooding problems, health and safety and impact on tourism in the area. Councillor R. Meirion Jones said that he was keen to ensure that the concerns raised are properly examined and a full assessment carried out before the project progresses to the next stage, that costs are clearly documented at each stage of the project and that a Local Member is invited to serve on the Project Board.


The Housing Technical Services Manager confirmed that Capita Consultants have been appointed to look into the range of factors which might influence whether or not the site is suitable; should there be any specific reason why development cannot take place then the next stage of the project would not go ahead. The specialised work to assess the suitability of the site is currently ongoing and will continue into January; the outcome of this investigatory work will determine whether or not a planning application can be made.


The Assistant Chief Executive (Governance and Business Process Transformation) confirmed that she was happy to discuss the inclusion of a Member of the Executive as well as a Local Member as members of the Project Board.


It was resolved –


  To note progress since the Executive’s approval to proceed with preliminary site investigations at Penhesgyn and Star and proposed key milestones for project delivery.

  To approve in principle, the use of Compulsory Purchase Order(s) in order to secure land essential for the development of Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation in the event that Officers are unable to secure the same by negotiation.

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