Agenda item

Remainder of Applications

12.1 – 11C591 – 16 - 21Bor Trehirion, Amlwch (70)


12.2 – 19C1105 – 1-2 Llys Watling, Caergybi (75)


12.3 – 46LPA965/CC – Lôn ISallt, Trearddur (79)


12.4 – 48LPA851C/CC – Canolfan Ailgylchu Gwalchmai, Gwalchmai (83)


12.1 11C591 Change of use of derelict land to form a nature and recreation area on land to the rear of 16-21 Bro Trehirion, Amlwch


Councillor W.T.Hughes declared an interest in this application but having received legal advice that the interest was personal and not prejudicial under Paragraph 12 of the Code of Conduct he remained at the meeting and participated in the discussion and voting thereon.


The application has been reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as the land is owned by the Isle of Anglesey County Council. The Local Member has also called the application to the Planning Committee due to local residents’ concerns.


The Chair informed Members that the Local Member has requested that the Committee visit the site.


It was resolved to visit the application site in accordance with the Local Member’s request.


12.2 19C1105 Full application for the installation of a below ground cut-off drain, inspection chamber and small packaged pump station on land adjacent to 1-12, Llys Watling, Holyhead, LL65 2PB 


The application has been presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made on Council owned land.


The Development Control Manager informed the Committee that since the report had been drafted representations had been received from the

occupants of Flats 10 and 11 at Llys Watling who although not opposed to the application had expressed concerns regarding the potential noise that might be produced by the proposed pump station which is also an issue raised in the Officer’s report. Since writing the report the Authority’s Environmental Health Officer has confirmed that the pump station will not create a nuisance in terms of noise effects.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the condition contained within the report.


12.3 46LPA965/CC Full application for the widening of the slipway on land at Lôn Isallt, Trearddur Bay, LL65 2UN


The application has been referred to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made on Council owned land.


Councillor Clive McGregor proposed that the application be approved and the proposal was seconded by Councillor Kenneth Hughes. 


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the report.


12.4 48LPA851C/CC Upgrade to the household waste recycling centre at Gwalchmai Recycling Centre, Gwalchmai


The proposal has been brought to the attention of the Planning and Orders Committee as it is made by the Council’s Waste Management Department.


The Development Control Manager explained that the application was in relation to traffic management on site and is intended to separate public and commercial traffic flows at the site for safety purposes and also for increased ease of use of the site. The recommendation is one of approval with an amendment to condition 2. A condition cannot require a site to be kept “clean”

and “tidy” as that is a subjective test.


Councillor Eric Roberts proposed that the application be approved with the amendment and the proposal was seconded by Councillor Clive McGregor.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions in the report as amended.  

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