Agenda item

Sites on Anglesey for Gypsies and Travellers

To submit a report by the Head of Housing Services.


The update report of the Head of Housing Services with regard to the possible permanent and temporary gypsy and travellers sites at Penhesgyn and Star was presented to the Executive for consideration. 


The Head of Housing Services reported that Capita was awarded the tender to prepare a Preliminary Appraisal Report on both the Penhesgyn and Star potential sites.  Mr. Jon Stoddard from the Consultants Capita was in attendance at the meeting.  She said that the next stages with regard to both identified sites is to prepare outline designs in accordance with good practice guidelines and for discussions with key stakeholders to ensure that other technical and health and safety requirements are incorporated into the scheme proposals to comply with the Welsh Government guidelines.   There may be a requirement for further technical or environmental assessments to be undertaken in order to ensure all the information required.  A draft copy of the Health Impact Assessment on both Star and Penhesgyn sites was attached to the report to the Committee.  Costings of the both schemes are required to be undertaken and will be presented to the Executive during the Summer of 2017.  However, the Officer said that both schemes are dependent on being afforded planning approval.


A workshop was held on the Health Impact Assessment facilitated by the Operations Manager – Environmental Health in January 2017 which was attended by the three local elected members, Mr. Bryn Hall from Unity who is a Gypsy and Travellers Community Engagement Specialist, representatives from Capita and Officers from the Local Authority and the Joint Planning Policy Unit.  The Health Impact Assessment is currently being consulted upon with those who attended the workshop.  Overall both sites are considered to have a positive impact on the health and welfare of gypsies and travellers over the existing provision. 


The Head of Housing Services further reported that the local community of Star has presented a Risk Assessment of the site.  Capita has considered the relevant risks identified within their Appraisal Report and have noted measures within their report as to how these risks can be mitigated. The Officers wished to thank the representatives from the community of Star for their work. 


Councillor R. Meirion Jones who had requested to speak on this matter said he needed to refer to the minutes of the Executive held on 25 July, 2016 which recommended ‘further assessment of any safety or technical risks posed by the site’; he considered that the risks have not been dealt with appropriately by the Council.  He said that local representatives from the community of Star have identified 15 risks within their documentation to the authority, but it seems that the local community have not received any feedback as to the findings.  Councillor Jones further said that arrangements are to be made by the Council for a workshop for Officers and Capita; he considered that a public meeting should also be held in Star to address the issues raised with regard to safety and technical risks from the proposed site.  The Head of Housing Services responded that the risk factors identified by the community of Star have been forwarded to Capita for consideration.  She said that Capita are addressing these risks seriously and are working at present as to how it will be possible to overcome these risks.   A workshop will be held internally within a few weeks and Capita have agreed to meet with representatives of the community of Star and with local elected members at a suitable date. 


It was RESOLVED :-


·           To note the advice of Capita’s Preliminary Appraisal Report;


·           To note the findings of the Health Impact Assessment in respect of Star and Penhesgyn Sites;


·           To authorise the relevant Officers to progress to the next stage of the project, i.e. site design and calculation of the costs involved and thereafter report back to the Executive at its June 2017 meeting.


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