Agenda item

Transformation of the Library Service

To submit a report by the Head of Learning.


The report of the Head of Learning incorporating the Draft Library Service Strategy for 2017-2022 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Portfolio Member for Education, Youth, Libraries and Culture reported that the Isle of Anglesey Corporate Plan for 2013 to 2017 had made it an aim to reduce the overall costs of leisure, culture and libraries to the Council by 60% over the course of the plan. He summarised the context to the production of the Draft Library Strategy beginning with the Library Service Review undertaken in 2015 along with a subsequent public and stakeholder consultation which drew 2,000 responses. Following on from the consultation, the Library Service developed a Draft Strategy to address the Library Service Review’s recommendations, the consultation report and the financial situation. The Draft Library Service Strategy was subsequently presented to the Executive in February, 2017 and Officers were given the authority to proceed to a public consultation on the Draft Strategy. The Strategy proposes a three-tier model of provision composed of area libraries; council led community supported libraries with elements of community support, and council led community supported libraries. Mobile library services will be retained subject to a full review of routes and stops. The Portfolio Member proposed the recommendations of the report to the Executive along with Option C (as opposed to Option B) as the preferred staffing structure savings option – this is as a result of a review of the risks after the matter was deferred at the previous meeting.


The Head of Learning informed the Executive that since the previous meeting of the Executive in November, the Service has received confirmation from MALD (the Museums, Archives and Libraries Division of Welsh Government) with regard to the choices under consideration, that it has concerns about the option which retains only bare minimum staff and entails the loss of all staff hours from the closed libraries (Option B). It is MALD’s view that this option poses a risk as regards the Service’s ability to continue to provide a library service at a level expected of it given that the current staffing level is already at the low end of expectation.


Councillors Aled Morris Jones and Richard Owain Jones speaking as Local Members reported that discussions with local groups and businesses to find a community solution to ensure the continuation of a library service provision in Cemaes are still ongoing; the community would like time to be able to develop these ideas. In light of this, Councillor Aled Morris Jones requested clarification of the implementation timescale as well as the minimum financial provision required to keep a library service going in Cemaes. Councillor Richard Owain Jones confirmed that a number of avenues are being explored including approaches to a major prospective developer in the area. The Local Members asked that any decision to close Cemaes Library be reconsidered in the event that a community solution is found.


The Head of Learning said that the Service is proposing to put the staffing restructure and local arrangements into effect during the period from now until May, 2018.The Officer further confirmed that the minimum cost of keeping Cemaes Library open would be in the region of £11,000 per annum.


Councillor Richard Dew, Portfolio Member for Planning and Public Protection confirmed that Llanfaelog Community Council has expressed a firm interest in becoming involved in a community solution to maintain Rhosneigr Library and that discussions to that effect are continuing.


The Executive noted and acknowledged the positive response by those communities who had come forward to indicate their willingness to collaborate with the Library Service to secure provision in their areas and also those communities still engaged in, and committed to finding a local solution.


It was resolved –


  To adopt the Draft Library Service Strategy 2017-2022.


  That the proposed changes in the Draft Library Service Strategy 2017-2022 be actioned as follows:


     Close Cemaes Library, Moelfre Library and Newborough Library, continuing to investigate mitigating actions such as community access points and/or increase mobile provision in the areas affected by closure.


     Develop a collaborative model with Canolfan Beaumaris in respect of Beaumaris Library.


     Receive a firm commitment from Llanfaelog Community Council in respect of Rhosneigr Library by 31 January, 2018. If no firm commitment is provided then proceed to close as per the first bullet point.


     Implement Option C within the Draft Library Service costings (Appendix 5 of the report) – retain 22 hours or ⅔ of the staffing from the closed libraries within the staffing structure to help with mitigation and sustain performance against the WPLS standards.

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