Agenda item

GwE - Annual Report 2016/17

To submit a report by the Managing Director GwE in relation to the above.


Submitted – the GwE Annual Report 2016/17 by the Managing Director of GwE.


The GwE Managing Director gave a detailed report on the Business Plan Priorities for 2017/18, together with an overview on educational standards across North Wales (2015/16).  He said that GwE is providing a range of professional learning programmes for practitioners ranging from Higher Level Teaching Assistants to experienced Head Teachers.  The Senior Challenge and Support Advisers for each hub operated much more effectively in quality assuring all aspects of the work of Challenge Advisers within the respective teams.  He reported further that improving standards and provision in the Foundation Phase is one of GwE’s priorities.  This year, GwE offered a regional Foundation Phase support programme for the first time, targeting planning, teaching, assessment and leadership.  The team of Literacy and Numeracy Challenge Advisers have provided an extensive range of support and development programmes across the region to ensure the quality of planning and provision in both primary and secondary sectors.  All schools in an amber or red support category have received a programme of support tailored their specific needs. 


He further said that pace of improvement in the Foundation Phase has been slower than that seen on a national level.  Raising standards in the Foundation Phase is a key priority for improvement for the consortium.  In general, the pace of improvement in the main indicators in Key Stage 4 has been too slow compared to the rest of Wales and improving its performance is the consortium’s main priority.  At Key Stage 4, the performance of individual local authorities varies considerably across the region.  He said that areas requiring development include :-


·           Robust business plans that respond more acutely to the development needs of authorities and individual schools and that have been discussed and agreed with stakeholders. 

·           That all secondary schools and all amber/red support category schools have appropriately support plans in place.

·           More effective deployment of subject Challenge Advisers and the use of subject networks to strengthen departmental collaboration.

·           To target individuals who have the potential to be Headteachers of schools and to afford a level of support for these individuals and to plan sooner when Headteachers are retiring to have the best possible individual to take their place;

·           To be at the forefront of challenges faced to address the new examination processes introduced by the government;

·           That Anglesey is able to be supported by the Challenge Advisors at both primary and secondary sectors.


The Committee considered the report and raised the following matters :-


·           Clarification was sought as to why there are still ‘red’ category identified schools whilst GwE have invested in Challenge Advisors to support these schools.  The Managing Director of GwE responded that ‘red’ category schools are targeted with support and guidance to help them achieve the best possible education for the pupils.  He said that some schools have received above their requirements and other schools have suffered as a consequence. 

·           Clarification was sought as to how the Authority was able to identify and attract Headteachers to lead schools on the Island.  The Head of Learning responded that the Authority has a ‘Recognising the Leaders of the Future’ programme which was supported by the Executive Committee.  Work is undertaken, especially in the primary sector, in collaboration with GwE, to identify leaders of the future;

·           A Member referred to schools having to make efficiency savings and experienced teachers are having to leave their employment.  The Leader of the Council responded that it is a challenge for the education sector during efficiency savings. 


It was RESOLVED :-


·           To note the report and to thank the Managing Director of GwE for attending the meeting;

·           To request that the GwE Annual Report for 2017/18 should include the requirements for support and guidance towards the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 4 in Anglesey. 


ACTION : As noted above.


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