Agenda item

Corporate Risk Register

To submit a report in respect of the above.


A report by the Head of Function (Resources) summarising progress on implementing the Risk Management Framework was presented for the Committee’s consideration along with the revised Corporate Risk Register as at Appendix A to the report.

The Senior Finance Advisor reminded the Committee that the Risk Management Strategy and Guidance had been approved and training on the subject area delivered and that the only aspect that remained outstanding was to provide an update on the risk register. The report as presented outlines the work undertaken to date including a review by the Authority’s Senior Leadership Team of the risk definitions, triggers and risk levels and the identification of the primary five risks facing the Council as set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report. The Corporate Risk Register denotes a number of other risk areas in addition to the top five and the matrix will be complete once the additional control measures/treatment required in terms of actions, responsible officer(s) and target date have been determined and defined. The Head of Function (Resources) confirmed that a further update would be provided to the next meeting of the Audit Committee.

Members of the Committee considered the contents of the report and accompanying Corporate Risk Register and the following were matters regarding which they commented and/or sought further clarification –

·         The criteria used to determine the Council’s top five risks.

·         Whether it was considered that risk YM36 defined as failing to plan for the impact of the health sector reforms was confined mainly to Social Services or whether its impact would be more widespread across Council services.

·         The grounds for  not including risk YM23 (failing to implement the contents of the post Estyn inspection plan and improve performance against key indicators) as one of the Council’s primary risks given the terms in which the consequence of this failure are described in the risk register. It was felt that that the non-inclusion of this risk among the top five was at odds with what was being said in the register as regards the severity of the consequences.

·         The reiteration of reputational damage as a possible consequence of a number of risk areas. It was suggested that the potential for reputational damage lies in all things and does not need to be restated and that moreover, the references appear to be random. It was suggested that the references to reputational damage within the register need to be reduced.


The Officers responded to the questions asked by providing explanations as appropriate.


It was resolved to accept the report and accompanying Corporate Risk Register and to note their contents.




·         Head of Function (Resources) to include an update on the Corporate Risk Register as a standing item on the Audit Committee agenda together with the minutes of the Risk Management Group where appropriate

·         Head of Function (Resources) to raise the following points with the Senior Leadership Team:

·         The non-inclusion of YM23 as one of the five top corporate risks as being incongruous with the described risk level and consequences.

·         Reducing the references to reputational damage within the Corporate Risk Register.


·         Audit Manager to arrange for the Committee to be provided with the Annual Governance Statement Action Plan in due course.

Supporting documents: