Agenda item

Llanfairynghornwy Village Hall - Grant Update

To submit a report by the Treasurer.


Submitted – a report by the Treasurer in relation to the above.


The Treasurer reported that Llanfairynghornwy Village Hall Committee made an application to the Charitable Trust in May 2017 for refurbishment works to the Village Hall at an estimated cost of £12,420.  The grant of £8k was approved by the General Grants Committee at its meeting held on 12th July, 2017.  He said that during commencement of the works on the Village Hall it was found that works were also needed on the roof and exterior front elevation of the building and it was futile to continue with internal works until the remedial works had been completed outside.  The total costs of £12,134 have been incurred by the Village Hall Committee to date, of which they have funded £4,134.  A further grant application was made to the Trust for a Large Grant in January 2018 for completion of the interior buildings works, decoration, installation of a heating system and tarmacing outside the building.  The Trust awarded a grant of £26,388 at its meeting on 17th April, 2018 towards total project costs of £34,743 i.e. the Trust would fund 76% of the work.  During a Project Engagement Visit with the Village Hall Committee, it was found that the match funding declared within the application was no longer available and the Committee did not have sufficient funds to enable them to deliver the works as approved in the second application.  Works needs to be completed as a matter of urgency, however, there are now insufficient funds available to the Committee to complete the works as stated in their original application.  The Treasurer further reported that following discussions with the Village Hall Committee it was considered that the grant funding application be revisited and that the Charitable Trust should fund the internal works at the Village Hall but not carry out the tarmacing works at a reduced grant of £22,343.60 but this would result in the Trust funding 100% of the works.  The tarmacing would be put on hold until further funds could be secured by the Committee. 


Some Members of the Trust stated that the Village Hall at Llanfairynghornwy is a vital community facility with the only community building within the village and the surrounding area.  It was noted that considerable amount of work has already been undertaken on the Village Hall but it is unusable at its current state.  It was also noted that Village Hall Committee comprises of a small group of volunteers and a misunderstanding has taken place as to the costs entailed as regard to this project.


Concerns were expressed by some Members of the Trust that a sound Business Case needs to be submitted with such applications and that it was unfair to grant 100% funding to this project in comparison to other application who receive 76% of the funding costs.  


Following further deliberations it was RESOLVED to continue to support the project but with a revised schedule of works, reduced project cost and a reduction in the level of grant.


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