Agenda item

Notice of Motion Pursuant to Rule of the Constitution

·           To submit the following Notices of Motion by Councillors Aled M Jones, Kenneth P Hughes and Robert Llewelyn Jones:-


(1)     “The Constitution of Anglesey County Council should be amended to

                  allow individuals of the public and interest parties i.e. Governors of

              a school to address The Executive Committee or Cabinet of The

        County Council”.


(2)    “The Constitution of Anglesey County Council should be amended to

              allow webcasting of both Scrutiny Committees”.


(3)    “The Constitution of Anglesey County Council should be amend to    allow

         motions to be discussed at full Council meetings that have been

         proposed by members of the public and supported by the signatures of 50 individuals who live on the Isle of Anglesey”.


·        To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillors Robert Llewelyn Jones and Bryan Owen:-


“In view of the imminent changes that will come about as a result of Brexit, that a Panel be set up to obtain information on possible problems and to press home to the Welsh and British Governments the need for a sound approach to support these industries on Ynys Môn in all ways possible.


(1)       The farming industry which is a very important employer on Ynys Môn.


(2)       The port of Holyhead, again a large employer that will be in the frontline

  of changes.


(3)       Wylfa Newydd, the pylons, and what the withdrawal from the E.E.C., will mean to the funding and feasibility of the project.


We represent the people of Ynys Môn and we need to show that we understand their concerns and support them in every way possible.


We are entering into unchartered waters and need to be seen to be working

as an elected body doing all we can to assist these very important industries

on YNYS MÔN to survive and prosper after we leave the E.E.C. It is too

important to leave it to other government departments to look after our Island

economy in these uncertain times.


·           Submitted – the following Notices of Motion by Councillor Aled M Jones, Kenneth P Hughes and Robert Llewelyn Jones :-


·       Councillor Aled M Jones submitted the following Notice of Motion :-


 “The Constitution of Anglesey County Council should be amended to allow individuals of the public and interest parties i.e., Governors of a school to address The Executive Committee or Cabinet of the County Council.”


Councillor K P Hughes seconded the motion.


Councillor Dafydd R Thomas, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate said that the County Council does not have the authority as regard to this matter.  The Head of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer said that the Leader of Council has authority to allow members of the public to address the Executive and the full Council is unable to constrain the Leader of the Council in the exercise of that discretion. 


The Leader said that she was satisfied that the voice of local people has been heard within recent meetings of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.  She noted that there is an opportunity for any Elected Member to ask to speak at the Executive on behalf of their local communities. 


Clarification was sought by Councillor Shaun Redmond as to whether it is the Leader’s discretion to allow public speaking at the Executive and Full Council.  The Head of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer responded that the Leader has discretion to allow public speaking at the Executive only but not the full Council.  The full Council may adopt a public speaking scheme but the Executive cannot be compelled to adopt such a scheme.


In the ensuing vote it was RESOLVED that the motion shall not be carried.


(Councillors Glyn Haynes and Shaun Redmond abstained from voting).


·       Councillor A M Jones submitted the following Notice of Motion :- 


“The Constitution of Anglesey County Council should be amended to allow webcasting of both Scrutiny Committees.”


Councillor Shaun Redmond seconded the motion.


Councillor Dafydd R Thomas, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate said that he supported the motion but wished to make an amendment that the matter be referred to the Democratic Services Committee for consideration and report back to the full Council. 


Councillor R Ll Jones as Chair of the Democratic Services Committee seconded the amendment.


In the ensuing vote it was RESOLVED that the amended motion be carried.


·       Councillor A M Jones submitted the following Notice


‘The Constitution of Anglesey County Council should be amended to allow motions to be discussed at full Council meetings that have been proposed by members of the public and supported by the signatures of 50 individuals who live on the Isle of Anglesey.”


Councillor K P Hughes seconded the motion.


Councillor Dafydd R Thomas, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate said that he wished to make an amendment to the motion that the matter be referred to the Democratic Services Committee for consideration and report back to the full Council at its December meeting.


Councillor A M Jones said that he would withdraw his notice of motion if the matter is considered by the full Council in December.

In the ensuing vote it was RESOLVED that the amended motion be carried.


·           Submitted – the following Notice of Motion by Councillors Robert Llewelyn Jones and Bryan Owen :-


“In view of the imminent changes that will come about as a result of Brexit, that a Panel be set up to obtain information on possible problems and to press home to the Welsh and British Governments the need for a sound approach to support these industries on Ynys Môn in all ways possible.


(1)    The farming industry which is a very important employer on Ynys Môn.

(2)   The port of Holyhead, again a large employer that will be in the frontline of changes.

(3)   Wylfa Newydd, the pylons, and what the withdrawal from the E.E.C., will mean to the funding and feasibility of the project.


We represent the people of Ynys Môn and we need to show that we understand their concerns and support them in every way possible.


We are entering into unchartered waters and need to be seen to be working as an elected body doing all we can to assist these very important industries on Ynys Môn to survive and prosper after we leave the E.E.C.  It is too important to leave it to other government departments to look after our Island economy in these uncertain times.


Councillor R Ll Jones said that he firstly wished to thank the representation from this Council who visited Dublin in June, 2018 to meet officials from Dublin City Council in respect of possible problems to the ports as a result of Brexit.  He noted that there are concerns that the traffic travelling to and from the Welsh Ports needs to be able to travel freely without the need for customs checks. Councillor Jones expressed that without a Brexit deal it could result into extreme tariffs for local business who export goods over the Irish Sea and shortages of basic goods may arise. 


Councillor Jones proposed that a Panel be established with a cross party membership, Economic Development Department  together with outside agencies to make sure that this Council has a contingency plan to deal with all eventualities that may result from a no Brexit deal. 


Councillor Bryan Owen seconded the motion.


Councillor Carwyn Jones, the Portfolio Holder for Major Projects and Economic Development said that the meeting held in Dublin with representatives of Dublin City Council in June 2018 was very informative and both parties shared their concerns as to the possibility of a no Brexit deal and the consequences resulting from a no deal.  He said that the relationship between Ireland and Anglesey is important especially with tourism links and agricultural businesses.  Councillor Jones also referred that the Welsh Government have announced recently that many Civil Servants will need to be employed to address issues as regards to the possibility of a no Brexit deal and the problems that will result from such a no deal.  He further noted that negotiations are taking place with the WLGA in respect of this matter.  Whilst sharing the concerns of the Members who have submitted the notice of motion to the full Council he considered that establishing a Panel to discuss the issues of a no Brexit deal be rejected due to the lack of resources and that the Council does not have any influence over the UK Government nor Welsh Government.  However, the Portfolio Holder proposed the following :-


    ·     That at the appropriate time, an information link should be provided for members allowing access to documents from UK Government, Welsh Government, WLGA, EU internal file notes.


·    When appropriate, internal briefing sessions should be held to share any information which comes to hand and should include updates from the portfolio holders on any meetings where any issues relating to Brexit have been discussed.


·    Any official issue which arises as the process develops should, when appropriate, be referred to the regeneration scrutiny committee. 


·    That a letter be sent to Prime Minister, Mrs Theresa May noting the main concerns and Anglesey’s position with regard to port of Holyhead, the agricultural sector, Objective 1 funding, euratom, energy island etc and request that all the government’s departmental information and analyses with regard to the effect of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU on our communities and businesses be shared with this authority.


·   Leaving the European Union will have an impact on Anglesey.  All planning associated with Brexit conforms with the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act which involves improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of Wales.


·   That nothing should be agreed which would have an adverse effect on any one of the following principles:


A prosperous Wales

A resilient Wales

   A healthier Wales

              A more equal Wales

A Wales of cohesive communities

A Wales of vibrant Culture where the Welsh Language flourishes

A globally responsible Wales


Councillor Carwyn Jones further said that Mr Albert Owen MP and Mr Rhun ap Iorwerth AM will be attending a workshop arranged on the 25th October, 2018 with an invitation to all elected members to discuss the impacts of a possible no Brexit deal on this Island and to report on the meeting held with Dublin City Council.


Members of the Opposition Group reiterated that a Panel needs to be established within this Authority to discuss the impact of a possible no Brexit Deal.  It was suggested that discussions need to take place with Pembrokeshire County Council who will also face similar problems if a no Brexit deal occurs. 


In the ensuing vote it was RESOLVED that the motion be not carried.


(Councillors T Ll Hughes, Dylan Rees and Nicola Roberts abstained from voting)